*Twinkie deO: Itz just one of those things ya cant live without*

"We love it. Bring it on. Look at us. If you can't make fun of this, you got problems."

-Chris on what he thinks about people making fun of their 'art'

-Welcome to Twinkie Deo-

Last Updated On: 03.21.02

Cessy and double D here. Welcome to Twinkie Deo [For Your b.O.]. This is our Nsync Humor site..yeah...that's right, HUMOR SITE...meaning we make fun of them. First of all we just wanna say that WE ARE NSYNC FANS and WE ARE NOT rabid teeny boppers. We are not doing this to be cruel or mean to the guys. Its all about the luv baby!.. because this site is just so dope illy fresh! lol And if you can't see that...go away.

----------twinkie deO ----------

Ok...you're probably wondering why we named this site Twinkie deO. This is just an inside joke. We knew no one would understand, but we didnt care because its just funny (well, WE think its funny). C'mon now...twinkie deo? dont it just make ya smile??? That's what I thought. Well, if you wanna FULLY understand what twinky deO is...go to raRr encounters, then go to the chatroom conversation. It's in there somewhere.

----------4 your b.O.----------

Don't forget ta hit up our gbook and tell us what you think. If you start any crap...we WILL respond..and we WILL kick your ass. Oh yeah...have fun at our site...and COME AGAIN. There's so much more coming, especially since this is site is still in the making.

----------is good 4 u----------

raRr encounters:itz basically bout us talkin with the "raRr" screen name...just click on the raRr encounters button and read tha intro...maybe you'll understand it a lil more..

Fav. Nsyncer: Do you have one?:this is where we tell you why WE love them...and you should too

say wha??: this is where we put up whack pics of nsync and we write our own dialogue to...go there..itz pretty funny..i mean..bad pictures of nsync? you SHOULD wanna see that.

True Dirty Pop: well...this is...where...um..ok, just go there and find out what it is.

Fan fic: This is our fan fiction..that we wrote...and we're hoping to get some hosted stories up there, too. So if you wanna become a hosted story..email us at Twinkie_deo@yahoo.com and send us a part of your story. We'll read it..see if its interesting, and we'll put it up. Remember...we'll put it up if we like it..meaning...itz gotta be funny!

Links: these are some links t some cool sites. We're also starting to put up multimedia...including great video clips, like Armagedd'N Sync, and the Britney Spears 2001 VMA's commercial.

about us: this is where double D tellz you guyz what she thinks bout tha staff here at twinkie deo..therez 4 of us...

about us AGAIN: this one..is cessy's view..on the twinkie deo staff.

About Us 3: another about us.. this time Josha's view

Random Thoughts: randomness....PURE randomness...

Interviews We'd Lke To Forget: These are interviews with Nsync. Real quotes are used, and we just added our own little twists and stuff. It was made for your reading enjoyment.


What to do/say...or not: This is where we tell you what to do if you meet Nsync, what you SHOULDN'T say in Nsync Fan Chatrooms (but we REALLY mean 'DO IT!' because it fun..), what you should write on your Nsync Concert signs, what you should say on the line of an Nsync concert, etc.

Misc: Miscellaneous. This is where we share our opinion, as well as some other stuff, about other celebrities. Including: Britney Spears

Fun With Editing: Edited pics of the guys...made especially by the twinkie deo staff especially for you. Yes...we're very proud of ourselves, thankyouverymuch. =)

If your interested e-mail us subject "sistersite"

Guess what! We won an award..wooohoo! we won an award! we won an award!