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Current Aims: Re-write links. They look messy and are hard to read.
Learn Perl enough to write a quiz in CGI.
Get all the stuff in place so that I can upload the
main feature of the secret page.
Finish the main feature of the secret page.

Welcome to the plans page. Here there shall be a list of things I intend to do with this site. The date is now 2/6/01.

  • Firstly, a finished secret page.
  • Secondly, an updated links area.
  • Thirdly, a massively updated me zone. That area is so out of date that if anyone decodes it now, it will be very embarrasing.

Ok, 4/6/01, time to brainstorm for my site.
  • I've been learning C++, which is used for cgi gates... maybe I could alter the idea of a CGI gateway and make a quiz! But first I have to learn cgi.
  • I could write a book, and post it on the site chapter by chapter. I could then edit it on site and recieve feedback. Trouble is, what if someone plaglarises it? I've lost a book worth plaglarising!
  • I could write comedy sketches.
  • I could write hypnosis routines. - this seems the easiest
Ok, 6/6/01, Improvement goals. A lot easier than big new sections. By the way, I'm now learning CGI. I thought it was based on C++, but it's Perl. Still easy so far though.
  • Make the Confusion Page so that all the images load at once. It's irritating, because unless you have a reasonably fast computer/modem, you miss the stunning beginning effect.
More later, g2g now.

Oh, man, oh man, oh man... I really let this slide. It's now what, the 9th of July? CGI- no progress. I'll sort the links. Maybe a table'll fix that up.

Ok... this now the 27/7. The links are sorted, and now I'm thinking of redoing the internal links. They are kind of small and hard to read - boring too. Another table, with images for links, would look a lot better, as well as not being crowded to one side. I've also recently added the dancing stick man, and special thanks to, who gave me a lot of helpful feedback. Now, all the images work.

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