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Items List!

The TM's and HM's are Listed IN ORDER from Least to Greatest, Listed underneath the headings TM's and HM's are the TM's or HM's number, so 01 means TM 01.

TM's: Move Contained HM's: Move Contained
01 Mega Punch 01 Cut
02 Razor Wind 02 Fly
03 Swords Dance 03 Surf
04 Whirlwind 04 Strength
05 Mega Kick 05 Flash
06 Toxic    
07 Horn Drill    
08 Body Slam    
09 Take Down    
10 Double Edge    
11 Bubble Beam    
12 Water Gun    
13 Ice Beam    
14 Blizzard    
15 Hyper Beam    
16 Pay Day    
17 Submission    
18 Counter    
19 Seismic Toss    
20 Rage    
21 Mega Drain    
22 Solar Beam    
23 Dragon Rage    
24 Thunderbolt    
25 Thunder    
26 Earthquake    
27 Fissure    
28 Dig    
29 Psychic    
30 Teleport    
31 Mimic    
32 Double Team    
33 Reflect    
34 Bide    
35 Metronome    
36 Self Destruct    
37 Egg Bomb    
38 Fire Blast    
39 Swift    
40 Skull Bash    
41 Soft Boiled    
42 Dream Eater    
43 Sky Attack    
44 Rest    
45 Thunder Wave    
46 Psywave    
47 Explosion    
48 Rock Slide    


Tri Attack
