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What's New?

This page let's you know what's been added, changed and what might be to come.

(May 12th, 2004) There are two new JOKES added today! Check them out for a good laugh!

(May 3rd, 2004) As you can see I had to get rid of the "frames" and instead put in a "table" for the links. The adds in the frames looked bad. That's all I had time to do so far since I had to first figure out how to make a table. :) Take care!

(February 22nd, 2004) Three new jokes up for your laughing pleasure!! ;)

(February 8th, 2004) New pics up of Bryan and I!!

(September 25th, 2003) There are a few new pictures up in the Seb pics and Beth pics.

(September 9th, 2003) I know, it's been awhile since I've updated again, ooops. I put pics of our new puppy up in the Pictures link! He's a cutie, check them out!

(June 11th, 2003) Surprised? Probably! I haven't done much to the webpage in a long time. Today I added pictures of Bryan and his helicopter. Hopefully I'll add some more stuff soon!