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Some adults can be the coolest people in the world, some are family, some are our heros, and to some, they are our friends. These are people kids can look up to, and respect. And some adults can be just plain assholes. If your ever doing somthing you shouldn't be doing, insted of, " Hey when I was a kid, I did somthing like that with my buddies..." It's, " Stop that now you disgraceful little devils, before we contact the police!" What's up these peoples asses? Why do adults try to act like they are so proper, everone knows they're not, and why don't any of them ever re-call their childhood, we're all adults book-nerds that never went out and had fun? I doubt it. Adults are sometimes really stupid too, ( not all of you! ) they don't know that the more you tell a kid that they shouldn't be doing something or going somewhere, that eventually, that kid is going to want to go there or do whatever to see what the fuss is about. I hate adults that don't let you have any fun, they all suck and should be tied to a pole and shot at with bottle-rockets or something ( hold your psychiatrists, I'm sane :) so don't be a dork and take it seriously ) Is it just my location, Libertyville? Half the adults are really cool out here, but there is also that other half adults. If your reading this, and you like to yell at kids when they are having fun, have a fun life being terrerized by them, because we feed on you people, you are our targets for eggs, late-night hang up calls, and blackcats on the doorstep. So be nice, and we can all live happily.

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Waol Errors

Practically everyone who has used America Online 5.0 has experienced the ever so annoying " waol errors " More often than not, these errors occur at the most inconvenient times. Sometimes your in the middle of an important conversation and out of nowhere, a little waol error pops-up and kicks you off-line. Or, you have just finished editing your web-page, and right before you save your work. BAM! waol error shows up right in your face. Now why didn't this happen when I had Aol 3.0 or 4.0? Is Aol 5.0 cursed!? Not likely, but maybe. See, these waol errors arent just starting to effect Aol. They are starting to effect other applications on my computer. Now you may believe that I have some virus on my computer that is causing this. Well, your wrong. The strange thing is that it's not just happening to me, over 75% of all Aol 5.0 users are experiencing this. I have come up with one solution ( Win98 Secrets, " Stop thoes Illegal operations! " ) if you want to have this load up everytime you start your computer so you don't forget, you right click on " Start " in the bottom left corner of your screen and select " Open " then choose " Programs " then " Start Up " and put the link to Dr. Watson in there and your set. You can all thank my brother for this tip. Thanks.

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Internet Fighting

Fighting over the internet is so dumb, how could you hate someone that you don't even know? Pretty kiddish if you ask me, I think internet fighting is retarded, if you don't like someone you met over the internet, don't whine about it and make your life and their's more stressfull, just ignore them. sheesh

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These days many people, young and old, are competing for popularity. Everybody does it, but the problem is, that when someone is trying to achive this goal, they often turn into someone they are not, what is going on with this!? Popularity is the stupidest word I have ever heard, it obsesses peoples minds, I mean no one human being is better then another one, its all abunch of bs, not only do you lose your own personality, but you lose your real friends, the ones that are up 'till 3 with you on the phone because you don't feel good, the ones that come over and make you laugh when somthing bad has happened, not the ones that are using you to gain their popularity, this world is full of this, and people have got to just be themselves.

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