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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: " Who, or what is an i r Ø n Ð ? "
Answer: i r Ø n Ð is just letters of my name I put together to make, " i r 0 n D or i r Ø n Ð " some people call my by it. Also, it's not pronounced ironed its i r Ø n Ð.

Question: " Would you like to trade links? "
Answer: Yes, but you have to have a semi-decent looking site, contact me here and tell me you want to trade links.

Question: " Why isn't your site updated everyday? "
Answer: Well I am a person and I do have a life outside the computer. I can't update everyday due to friends, sports, and girls, but I update everytime I get a chance.

Question: " Can you make me a webpage? "
Answer: Yes, goto my " Services " section and read the information. Or you can goto my " Make Money " section and read about how you can earn a free web-site. If you have chosen one of these options, contact me here.

Question: " Do you upload requests to your page? "
Answer: Yes, just contact me here and tell me what you would like to see on the site.

Question: " Can you teach me how to make a webpage? "
Answer: Well, I would like to help teach you, but I honestly don't have the time, if your really serious about it, e-mail me here and we'll talk.

Question: " When did you start designing webpages? "
Answer: I started designing web-pages around July summer of 1999. My first webpage was BabyJ's Place.

Question: " How did you get into webdesign? "
Answer: Well a good friend of mine, ZForce got me started in web-design, he taught me the basics and helped me when I needed it, I call him Z and I would like to say thanks slave ;P

- i r Ø n Ð