Iostboy and His Hoop

Ok, so TreeRat and I were being pled xping in Paludal Caverns with a high level druid. All day we were plagued by various gimps who thought that they could ks/pk us. Of course, ksing or peekaying two level 20s with high level druid buffs is fairly hard, but most people decided they'd try it anyway. Well, some of them actually did a pretty good job, and Rat and I both died once, but the rest of them failed miserably. This guy, however, stands out, as he failed SUPER-miserably!!1

This fellow's name is Iostboy, if you couldn't tell. He decided to wait till I was super low on health and try to kill me with his crazy Ivandyr's Hoop. I guess someone shoulda told him that when you are low on health and are being pled xping with a druid 30 levels higher than you, you're about to get healed. Poor him :( He wasted some bajillion plats trying to kill me, and I didn't die. God, I'm such an asshole.

God, I really AM such an asshole. Why can't I just leave this guy alone? I mean, hell, he's already lost 1k or some shit trying to kill me, and now I'm making fun of him!! Jeeze!

Ok. This is my gear. Um, I think I'm wearing full gnomeskin, a 7 mr bracer, and some shitty earring. So, without my weapon, I'm wearing maybe 200pp worth of gear on me max. Even if this guy had killed me, the most cash he would have gotten from it was like 50pp. I think it costs like 1k to recharge an Ivandyr's Hoop. This poor fella wasted 1k just to get a piece of newb gear. Even if I had died, I STILL would have been an asshole for not wearing any worthwhile gear. God. I might as well just go lie face down in the mud so I don't make anyone else sad.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Frybread for the background and the strikeout technique I stole. That is all.