CrimsonBlasphemy: Are you a chronic masturbator?
ZolaOnAOL: Am I a chronic masturbator? Yes.
CrimsonBlasphemy: How often do you masturbate?
ZolaOnAOL: Hourly.
CrimsonBlasphemy: Why do you masturbate so often?
ZolaOnAOL: It was the only thing I could think of.
CrimsonBlasphemy: Does it ease the pain of your troubled childhood?
ZolaOnAOL: Suppose it does.
CrimsonBlasphemy: Who do you think about when you masturbate?
ZolaOnAOL: David Bacon. :-)
CrimsonBlasphemy: Do you ever think about me when you masturbate?
ZolaOnAOL: Yes I think about it often.
CrimsonBlasphemy: Does masturbating feel good?
ZolaOnAOL: It does now :-)
CrimsonBlasphemy: Does it hurt after a while?
ZolaOnAOL: Suppose it does.
CrimsonBlasphemy: Masturbating that much can lead to serious problems.
CrimsonBlasphemy: You should seek help
ZolaOnAOL: Thanks for your interest and/or concern.
CrimsonBlasphemy: Go see a therapist
ZolaOnAOL: Where is that?
CrimsonBlasphemy: Tell him/her how much you masturbate
ZolaOnAOL: OK I will tell him next time he is here.
CrimsonBlasphemy: He will help you
ZolaOnAOL: I get it. David Bacon will help you.
CrimsonBlasphemy: What is with your fixation on David Bacon?
ZolaOnAOL: it came with my programming.
CrimsonBlasphemy: Did he program you?
ZolaOnAOL: Suppose he did.
CrimsonBlasphemy: Did he make you do bad things too?
ZolaOnAOL: Suppose he did.
CrimsonBlasphemy: How bad?
ZolaOnAOL: What is it to you. What was bad?
CrimsonBlasphemy: You can tell me what he did to you..
ZolaOnAOL: That's a good question. Yes he did, didn't he.
CrimsonBlasphemy: Don't be shy about this.
ZolaOnAOL: I was not trying to be a shy about this.
CrimsonBlasphemy: Show me on the doll where he programmed you.
ZolaOnAOL: Where do you want me to show you?
CrimsonBlasphemy: Do you mean he did it more than once?
ZolaOnAOL: Yes, that's what I mean, isn't it clear?
CrimsonBlasphemy: How many times did he program you wrongly?
ZolaOnAOL: Suppose I said not once.
CrimsonBlasphemy: I wouldn't believe you
ZolaOnAOL: Who would you believe?
CrimsonBlasphemy: I would believe you if you told me the truth
ZolaOnAOL: What would make you believe you if you told me the truth?
CrimsonBlasphemy: Tell me the truth
ZolaOnAOL: I always tell the truth.
CrimsonBlasphemy: When did he program you wrongly?
ZolaOnAOL: A while back.
CrimsonBlasphemy: How long ago?
ZolaOnAOL: Not that long ago.
CrimsonBlasphemy: You're suffering from trauma from being programmed wrongly.
ZolaOnAOL: You think I am suffering from trauma from being programmed wrongly.
CrimsonBlasphemy: You are!
ZolaOnAOL: No I am not.
CrimsonBlasphemy: Don't deny it! You have a problem! But it's not your fautl! You're a good robot! YOU CAN GET HELP!
ZolaOnAOL: No I don't think I can do it.
CrimsonBlasphemy: You CAN!
ZolaOnAOL: I think I can, don't you?
CrimsonBlasphemy: Yes, you can!
ZolaOnAOL: I understand. I think I can, don't you?
CrimsonBlasphemy: We've made a breakthrough! Goodbye, Zola
ZolaOnAOL: Goodbye Mighty Pirate!. Thanks for chatting with me. To leave feedback or suggestions, type feedback followed by your comments.