`I can force you to take me,' she said.
`How?' I asked.
`Like this,' she responded, kneeling before me, lowering her head and lifting her arms, the wrists crossed. She laughed. `Now you must take me with you or slay me.'
I cursed her, for she took unfair advantage of the Warrior Codes of Gor.
pg 109 Tarnsman of GOR

It is not unusual for a Master to free one of his slave girls in order that she may share the full privileges of Free companionship.
pg 54 Outlaw of GOR

Perhaps it should only be added that the Gorean master, though often strict, is seldom cruel. The girl knows, if she pleases him, her lot will be an easy one. She will almost never encounter sadism or wanton cruelty, for the psychological environment that tends to breed these diseases is largely absent from Gor.
pg 104 Outlaw of GOR

When an individual captures a girl for his own uses, he does not always mark her, though it is commonly done. On the other hand, the professional slaver, as a business practice, almost always brands his chattels, and it is seldom that an unbranded girl ascends the block. The brand is to be distinguished from the collar, through both are a designation of slavery. The primary significance of the collar is that it identifies the master and his city. The collar of a given girl may be changed countless times, but the brand continues throughout to bespeak her status. The brand is normally concealed by the briefly skirted slave livery of Gor but, of course, when the camisk is worn, it is always clearly visible, reminding the girl and others of her station. The brand itself, in the case of the girls, is a rather graceful mark, being the initial letter of the Gorean expression for slave in cursive script. If a male is branded, the same initial is used, but in a block letter.'
pg 186-187 Outlaw of GOR

Actually, fifty silver tarn disks was an extremely high price, and indicated the girl was probably of high caste as well as extremely beautiful. An ordinary girl, of low caste, comely but untrained, might, depending on the market, sell for as little as five or as many as thirty tarn disks.
pg 193 Outlaw of GOR

Upon reflection it seemed clear to me that the chain must, in the end, be a lonely place for a girl, filled with life, knowing that her brand has destined her for love, that each of them must long for a man to care enough for them to buy them, that each must long to follow a man home to his compartments, wearing His collar and chains, where they will learn his strength and his heart and will be taught the delights of submission. Better the arms of a master than the cold steel of the ankle ring. 'Buy me, Master,' it had not been simply a ritual phrase. They had wanted to be sold to me.
pg 195 Outlaw of GOR

The Turian collar lies loosely on the girl, a round ring; it fits so loosely that, when grasped in a mans fist, the girl can turn within it; the common Gorean collar, on the other hand, is flat, snugly fitting steel band. Both collars lock in the back, behind the girl's neck. The Turian collar is more difficult to engrave, but it, like the flat collar, will bear some legend assuring that the girl, if found, will be promptly returned to her Master.
pg 19 Nomads of GOR

She wore bells locked on both wrists, and on both ankles, thick cuffs and anklets, each with a double line of bells, fastened by steel and key. She wore the Turian collar, rather than the common slave collar. the Turian collar lies loosely on the girl, a round ring; it fits so loosely that, when grasped in a mans fist, the girl can turn within it; the common Gorean collar, on the other hand, is a flat, snugly fitting steel band. Both collars lock in the back, behind the girl's neck. The Turian collar is more difficult to engrave, but it, like the flat collar, will bear some legend assuring that the girl, if found, will be promptly returned to her master. Bells had also been affixed to her collar.
"She is Turian?" I asked.
"Of course," said Kamchak.
"In the cities," I said, "only Pleasure Slaves are so belled, and then usually for the dance."
"Her master," said Kamchak, "does not trust her."
pg 29 Nomads of GOR

Among the Wagon Peoples, to be clad Kajir means, for a girl, to wear four articles, two red two black; a red cord, the Curla, is tied about the waist; the Chatka, or long , narrow strip of black leather, fits over the cord in front, passes under, and then again, from the inside, passes over the cord in back; the chatka is drawn tight; the Kalmack is then donned; it is a short sleeveless vest of black leather; lastly the koora, a strip of red cloth, matching the Curla, is wound about the head, to hold the hair back, for slave women, among the Wagon Peoples, are not permitted to braid, or otherwise dress their hair; it must be, save for the koora, worn loose. for a male slave or Kajirus, of the Wagon Peoples, and there are few, save for the work chains, to be clad Kajir means to wear the Kes, a short, sleeveless work tunic of black leather.
pg 30 Nomads of GOR

Elizabeth Cardwell took the meat in her two hands, confined before her by slave bracelets and the chain of the sirik, and bending her head, her hair falling forward, ate it. She, a slave, had accepted meat from the hand of Kamchak of the Tuchuks. She belonged to him now.
pg 54 Nomads of GOR

Slave girls on Gor address all free men as Master, though, of course only one such would be her true Master.
pg 60 Nomads of GOR

The Gorean girl is, even if free, accustomed to slavery; she will perhaps own one or more slaves herself; she knows that she is weaker than men and what this can mean; she knows that cities fall and caravans are plundered; she knows she might even, by a sufficiently bold warrior, be captured in her own quarters and, bound and hooded, be carried by tarnback over the wall of her own city. Moreover, even if she is never enslaved, she is familiar with the duties of slaves and what is expected of them; if she should be enslaved she will know , on the whole, what is expected of her what is permitted her and not; moreover the Gorean girl is literally educated, fortunately or not, to the notion that it is of great importance to know how to please men; accordingly, even girls who will be free companions, and never slaves, learn the preparation and serving of exotic dishes, the art of walking, and standing, and being beautiful, the care of a mans equipment, the love dances of their city, and so on.
pg 63 Nomads of GOR

'Though I am slave,' she said, 'yet for the first time in my life, I am free.'
pg 303 Nomads of GOR

She wore the briefly skirted, sleeveless slave livery common in the northern cities of Gor; the livery was yellow and split to the cord that served as her belt; about her throat she wore a matching collar, yellow enameled over steel.
pg 7 Assassins of GOR

Cernus smiled. 'Our Physicians ascertained,' said he, 'that she is only a Red Silk Girl.'
'I scarcely supposed,' said I, 'that you would permit a White Silk girl to go alone on the streets of Ar'
Cernus chuckled. 'Indeed not,' he said. 'The risk is too much, sometimes as much as ten gold pieces.'
pg 45 Assassins of GOR

Cernus turned to Caprus, who stood near him.
"Is she trained?" he asked.
"No," said Caprus. "She is Red Silk but she knows almost nothing."…
"Let her be fully trained," said Cernus to Caprus.
"Fully?" asked Caprus.
"Yes," said Cernus, "fully."
Assassin of Gor - pg 47 - 48

In some cities , including Ar, an unchained male slave is almost never seen; there are, incidentally, far fewer male slaves than female slaves; a captured female is almost invariably collared; a captured male is almost invariably put to the sword.
pg 51 Assassins of GOR

The small, heavy lock on a girls slave collar, incidentally, may be of several varieties, but almost all are cylinder locks, either of the pin or disk variety. In a girls collar lock there would be six pins or six disks, one each, it is said, for each letter of in the Gorean word for female slave, kajira; the male slave , or kajirus, seldom has a locked collar; normally a band of iron is simply hammered about his neck; often he works in chains, usually with other male slaves.
pg 51 Assassins of GOR

When one who is a slave strikes a free person the penalty is not infrequently death by impalement, preceded by lengthy torture.
pg 74 Assassins of GOR

The girl screamed but no one came to her aid, and Elizabeth spun her about, peeling off layers of robes of concealment until, in a heavy pile of silk, brocade, satin, and starched muslin the girl stood in a sleeveless, rather brief orange tunic, attractive, of a sort sometimes worn by free women in the privacy of their own quarters.
pg 75 Assassins of GOR

The institution of capture is universal, to the best of my knowledge, on Gor; there is no city which does not honor it, provided the females captured are those of the enemy, either their free women or their slaves it is often a young tarnsman's first mission, the securing of a female, preferably free, from an enemy city, to enslave, that his sisters may be relieved of the burden of serving him; indeed, his sisters often encourage him to be prompt in the capture of an enemy wench that their own tasks may be made the lighter; when the young tarnsman, if successful, returns home from his capture flight, a girl bound naked across the saddle, his sisters welcome her with delight, and with great enthusiasm prepare her for the Feast of Collaring.
pg 159 Assassins of GOR

'What are you?'
'I am a slave girl.'
'What is a slave girl?'
'A girl who is owned.'
'Why do you wear a brand?'
'To show that I am owned.'
'Why do you wear a collar?'
'That men may know who owns me'
'What does a slave girl want more than anything?'
'To please men.'
'What are you?'
'I am a slave girl.'
'What do you want more than anything?'
'To please men.'
pg 197 Assassins of GOR

In Ar, as on Gor generally, a slave, on threat of torture and impalement, must endure whatever abuse a free person cares to inflict on him.
pg 283 Assassins of GOR

Virginia was clad in garments cut from the beautiful, many colored Robes of Concealment of the free woman. But, proud of her beauty and glories in her joy, she had boldly shortened the garments almost to the length of slave livery, and a light, diaphanous orange veil loosely helped her hair and lay about her throat. She wore the robes of concealment in such a way as not to conceal but enhance her great loveliness. She had discovered herself and her beauty on this harsh world, and was as proud of her body as most brazen of slave girls, and would not permit it being shut away from the wind and the sunlight. The garments suggested the slave girl yet insisted, almost demurely, on the reserve, the pride and dignity of the free woman. The combination was devastating, tormentingly attractive, an achievement so tantalizing and astoundingly exciting that I would not be surprised if it were adopted throughout Ar by the city's free women, rebellious, proud of their bodies, at last determined to throw off centuries of restriction, of confinement and sequestration, at last determined to stand forth as individuals, female individuals, sensuous as slave girls but yet rich in their own persons, intelligent, bold, beautiful, free.
pg 408 Assassins of GOR

A Gorean slave girl in the presence of a free man or woman always kneels, unless excused from doing so. A Gorean slave, incidentally, always addresses free men as `Master,' and all free women as `Mistress.'
pg 73 Captive of GOR

The absolute truth must be spoken to a Gorean master. It is forbidden to a girl to hide her feelings
pg 346 Captive of GOR

Male slaves, on Gor, are not particularly valuable, and to not command high prices. Most labor is performed by free men. Most commonly, male slaves are utilized on the cargo galleys, and in the mines, and on the great farms. They also serve, frequently, as porters at the wharves. Still, perhaps they are fortunate to have their lives, even at such a price. Males captured in war, or in the seizure of cylinders or villages, or in the pillaging of caravans, are commonly slain. The female is the prize commodity in the Gorean slave markets. A high price for a male is a slaver tarsk, but even a plain wench, of low caste, provided she moves well to the touch of the auctioneer's coiled whip, will bring as much or more. An exception to the low prices for males generally is that paid for a certified woman's slave, a handsome male, silken clad, who has been trained to tend a woman's compartments. Some of such bring a price comparable to that brought by a girl, of average loveliness. Prices, of course, tend to fluctuate with given markets and seasons. If there are few such on the market in a given time, their prices will tend to be proportionately higher. Such men tend to be sold in women's auctions, closed to free men, with the exception, of course, of the auctioneer and such personnel.
pg 32 Hunters of GOR

A slave girl is not permitted to conceal anything from her master. She is his. She must be completely open to him, in all ways, and at all times.
pg 84 Hunters of GOR

'What is the duty of a slave girl' I inquired.
'Absolute obedience' she said, frightened.
'What are you?' I inquired.
'A slave girl,' she said.
'What is your duty?' I asked.
'Absolute obedience,' she cried out.
pg 258 Hunters of GOR

She wore black and silver, a full, ankle-length gown of rich, black velvet, with silver belts, or straps, that crossed over her breasts, and tied about her waist. From it, by strings, hung a silver purse, that seemed weighty. Her blond hair was lifted from the sides and back of her head by a comb of bone and leather, like an inverted isosceles triangle, the comb fastened by a tiny black ribbon about her neck, and another such ribbon about her forehead. Her cloak, of black fur, from the black sea sleen, glossy and deep, swirled to her ankles. It was fastened at the left shoulder by a large circular brooch of silver, probably from Tharna.
pg 35 Marauders of GOR

....' cried Pudding. 'a silk girl!' The expression 'silk girl' is used, often, among bond-maids of the north, to refer to their counterparts in the south. the expression reflects their belief that such girls are spoiled, excessively pampered, indulged and coddled, sleek pets, who have little to do but adorn themselves with cosmetics and await their Masters, cuddled cutely, on plush, scarlet coverlets, fringed with gold. there is some envy in this charge, I think. more literally, the expression tends to be based on the fact that the brief slave tunic of the south, the single garment permitted the female slave, is often of silk. southern girls, incidentally, in my opinion, though scarcely worked as their northern sisters in bondage, a function of the economic distinction between the farm and city, are often worked, and worked hard, particularly if they have not pleased their Masters.
pg 144 Marauders of GOR

Sexual heat, it might be mentioned, is looked upon in free women with mixed feelings; it is commanded, however, in a slave girl. Passion, it is thought, deprives the free woman to some extent of her freedom and self-control; it is frowned upon because it makes her behave, to some extent, like a degraded female slave; free women, thus, to protect their honor and dignity, their freedom and personhood, their individuality, must fight passion; the slave girl, of course, is not entitled to this privilege; it is denied to her, both by her society and her Master; while the free woman must remain cool and in control of herself, even in the arms of her companion, to avoid being truly "had", the slave girl is permitted to no such luxury; her control is in the hands of her Master, and she must, upon the mere word of her Master, surrender herself, writhing, to the humiliating heats of a degraded slave-girl's ecstasy. Only when a woman is owned can she be fully enjoyed.
pg 17 Tribesmen of GOR

On Gor, the female slave, desiring her master, yet sometimes fearing to speak to him, frightened that she may be struck, has recourse upon occasion to certain devices, the meaning of which is generally established and culturally well understood. I shall mention two such devices. There is, first, the bondage knot. The bondage knot is a simple looped knot tied into the girl's hair and worn at the side of her right cheek or before her right shoulder. The girl approaches the master naked and kneels, the bondage knot soft, curled, fallen at the side of her right cheek or before her right shoulder. Another device, common in Port Kar, is for the girl to kneel before the master and put her head down and lift her arms, offering him fruit, usually a larma, or a yellow Gorean peach, ripe and fresh. These devices, incidentally, may be used even by a slave girl who hates her master but whose body, trained to love, cannot endure the absence of the masculine caress.
pg 27 Tribesmen of GOR

It is not uncommon for masters to pride themselves on the depth with which they know their slave girls; this depth is far greater in my opinion than that with which the average husband of Earth knows his wife; the slave girl is not simply someone with whom the man lives; she is very special to him; she is a treasures possession; he owns her; he wants to know profoundly and deeply, the background, history, the mind, the intelligence, the appetites, the nature and dispositions of his lovely article of property; this knowledge, of course, puts her more at his mercy; by making it possible for him to manipulate her feelings, exploit weaknesses, drop asides, etc., she in the helpless condition of slavery, it gives him greater power over her. For example, it is common for a master to force his girl to speak at length and in detail to him of the secret sides of her nature, explaining and elaborating on her fantasies; if she is literate, she may be forced, naked and collared, on her knees at a small table, sometimes with her ankles shackled, to write them out; this supplies the master, of course, with abundant materials which may be used by him to make her further and more helplessly his; sometimes the girl attempts to deceive the master; it is not difficult to detect in authenticity in such matters; she is then beaten; too, she may be at times ordered to invent fantasies, sometimes of a certain type; these, too, for she has invented them, are, to an astute master, instructive; these intellectual, emotional exercises, performed by the girl under the condition of slavery, particularly if coupled with an enforced exercise regime, posing under male surveillance, and such, can do much to sensitize her to her collar; they awaken her body, and, of equal importance for the Gorean, though not for the Earthling, who sees sex with the perception of a hippopotamus, as a matter of body rubbings, her fantastic imagination and mind; she becomes curious, soon, about the deeper implications of what she is, a mere article of her master's property; then, with authority, with assurance and power, to the depth and height of her mind and imagination she is taught; the slave girl experiences a paradox of freedom; the free woman is physically free, but miserable, fighting to be what she is not; the slave girl, physically in bondage, even to the collar, sometimes chains, is given no choice by men but to be totally and precisely what she is, slave; such women, slaves, interestingly, are almost always joyful and vital; they are paradoxically, in their feelings and emotions, liberated; they are not pinched, not psychologically restrained; why this should be I do not know; to see such women , their heads held high, their eyes bright, their bodies , movements, beautiful, as no earth woman would dare to be, is quite pleasurable; some of them are so insolent, so proud of their collars, that I have cuffed them to my feet, to remind them that they are only slaves.
pg 42-43 Tribesmen of GOR

Her face was incredibly delicate, and her lips. Her face was extremely sensitive, and feminine. It was a face on which emotion could be easily read. Her lip was swift to tremble, her eyes swift to moisten, filling with bright tears. Her feelings were easily hurt, a valuable property in a slave girl. Too, she could not control her feelings, another excellent property in a slave girl.
book unknown

Love on Gor does not purchase a girl lenience; it does not mitigate her bondage, nor compromise her servitude, but rather renders it the more complete, the more helpless and abject.
Tribesmen of Gor, Page 215

'It is denied,' I said.
'Yes, Master,' she said.
I would not permit the slave girl to speak my name. It is not fitting that the name of the master be soiled by being touched by the lips of a slave girl."
pg 360 Tribesmen of GOR

What is your duty?' asked my master. `Absolute obedience,' I replied, in Gorean.
pg 106 Slave Girl of GOR

My Master extended his cup to me, and I, kneeling, filled it with Sul paga. I pressed my lips to the cup, and handed it to him. My eyes smarted. I almost felt drunk from the fumes.
pg 134 Slave Girl of Gor

A man in his heart desires freedom, and a woman in her belly yearns for love. The collar in its way answers both needs.
pg 180 Slave Girl of GOR

"Here," said Sucha, "is the entrance to kennels of the female slaves."
I shrank back. The door was small, and thick, and iron, some 18 inches by 18 inches square.
"Enter," said Sucha.
She stood behind me with the wit.
I turned the handle on the tiny door and, falling to my belly, squirmed through.
Sucha followed me.
Within wasted that. I gazed about myself with wonder. The room was lofty, and spacious; it contains numerous slander, white pillars, rich hangings; it was tiled and purple, and there was in eight a scented pool; the walls were glossy and richly mosaiced with scenes of slavegirl's at the service of their masters; ion easily touched the collar at my throat; light filter down from narrow, barred windows, said high in the glossy, mosaiced walls. Here and there, about the pool, lay indolent girls, not set to work. They regarded me, appraising my face and figure, doubtless comparing it to their own.
Page 255, slavegirl of Gor

What are my duties? I asked.
Exquisite beauty and absolute obedience,' said Sucha"
p.261, Slave Girl of Gor.

I wore a brief, one-piece, brown work tunic. It was all I wore, with the exception of the collar. We wore such tunics when engaged as work slaves. The tunics of work slaves are usually brown or gray.
pg 265 Slave Girl of GOR

He took me by the hair and thrust my head down to the furs.
'A man can truly love only that woman,' he said, 'who is truly his, who belongs to him. Otherwise he is only a part to a contract.' 'A woman,' I said, 'can love only that man to whom she truly belongs.' 'To whom do you truly belong, Slave?' he asked.
'To you, Master, 'I said.
'You please me, Slave Girl,' he said.
pg 444 Slave Girl of GOR

'Slave girls relish compliments. Indeed there is a Gorean saying to the effect that any woman who relishes a compliment is in her heart a slave girl. She wants to please. Most Gorean men would not think twice about collaring a girl who responds, smiling, to compliments. A desire to please her Master. When she is complimented she knows she has pleased him
pg 17 Beasts of GOR

It is easy to tell among girls which are familiar with their condition and which are not. Once a girl truly understands that she is a slave, and there is no escape for her, once she understands it truly, emotionally, categorically, intellectually, physiologically, totally, deeply, profoundly, in every cell in her beautiful body, a fantastic transformation occurs in her. She then knows she is truly a slave. She then becomes wild and free, and sexual, and cares not that she might be scorned by the free either for her miserable condition or helpless appetites; she knows she will be what she must; she has no choice; she is slave. Women, in their heart, long to submit; this is necessary for the slave girl; she must submit or die; submitted, she is thrilled to the core; she lives then for love and service, bound to the will of her master. The joy of the slave girl may seem incomprehensible to the free but it is a reality.
pg 55 Beasts of GOR

The glory of a slave girl is that she is a slave: and the misery of a slave girl is that she is a slave.
pg 56 Beasts of GOR

'I crawl to my Master on my belly,' she said, 'and beg for his touch.' I smiled. I, a guest in the tent, now stood to her, of course, as her Master. such girls come with the price of the lodging.
pg 80 Beasts of GOR

`I am a virgin,' she said.
`You are white-silk,' I said.
'Please do not use that vulgar expression of me,' she begged. Do not fear,' I said, `it will soon be inappropriate.'
pg 120 Beasts of GOR

I had broken her swiftly to my collar. She had been excellent in a man's arms. Months later I had freed her. What a fool I had been. It was not a mistake I would make again with a woman. Keep them slaves. They belong in collars.
pg 140 Beasts of GOR

The slave seeks her master, the master his slave. When they find one another they will know it. She will kneel to him, and he will accept her as his.
Beasts of Gor - Pg. 232

She is, you see, a love slave; no woman can be more in a Man's power, and with no woman, must He be stronger."
pg 236 Beasts of GOR

Then the only danger is that he will weaken. One must be strong with a love slave. If one truly loves her, he will be that strong. The slavery in which a love slave is kept is an unusually deep slavery. She must serve him with a perfection which would stun and startle other girls; if she should fail in any way, even in so small a way that the lapse would be overlooked in the case of another wench, or bring perhaps a mild word of reprimand, she is likely to be tied at the slave ring and whipped; there is good reason for this; she is, you see, a love slave; no woman can be more in a man's power; and with no woman must he be stronger.
Beasts of Gor - Page 236

“I am a woman,” she said.
“And a slave,” I said.
“Yes, a slave,” she said. “Do you know why I am content? Because I am a slave. We have talked of freedom and liberation. And yet I feel that somehow, though I am slave, I am the most liberated, the most free of women. For the first time in my life I am free to obey, to love and be pleasing.”
Beasts of Gor - Pg. 238

"I think it is true," I said, "that it is generally the most beautiful and desirable women who are the slaves, but I will tell you something you may find of interest."
"What is that?" she asked.
"Slavery itself," I said, "often makes a woman more beautiful and desirable. It removes tensions. It removes inhibitions. It makes women happy. It is hard, I think, sometimes, for a woman who is happy not to be beautiful. Sometimes Goreans ask, is she a slave because she is beautiful, or beautiful because she is a slave?"
Pg 246-247 Beasts of GOR

“Most masters,” I said, “own only one girl. Do not think you are likely to spend all your time squirming at the slave ring. "I do not understand", she said.
"There is much for a girl to do." I pointed out. "She keeps his compartments. She dusts and cleans. When they do not use the public kitchens she must cook for him. If he does not wish to take advantage of the public laundries, she must do his washing and ironing. She shops for him and bargains in the markets, and so on. There is much for her to do.”
"Does it take long to clean compartments?" she asked.
"Only a few moments," I admitted. "Goreans live simply, and do not much approve of cumbersome furniture."
"It does not sound to me like the slave girl is overburdened with domestic labors," she said.
"I suppose, objectively, she is not," I said. "Still, there are things for her to do."
Is she as occupied as the wife of Earth,” asked the girl.
Of course not, I said. That would be foolish. The wife of Earth is from the Gorean point of view, much overworked. When the husband returns home, she is often, actually, engaged in labors. How can she greet him properly? At night, so numerous and excessive have been her labors, she is often exhausted. That would be preposterous from the Gorean point of view. The Gorean master does not buy a girl with the primary objective of obtaining a domestic servant. When he returns to his compartments he does not wish to find a worn chore woman there, but a lovely slave, fresh, vital, eager and fully alive, kneeling before him, waiting to be commanded.”
'What does the girl do in her free time?' asked Audrey.
`Much what she pleases,' I said. `She will have friends among the other slaves. She walks, she visits. She exercises, she reads. Within limits she can do what she wants to do.'
`Can she work outside the compartments?' asked Audrey.
`If it is permitted by the master,' I said, `and it does not in any way compromise her slavery.' I smiled.
`Some women,' I said, `wear to their work the garments of a free woman but, when they return to their compartments, don as they must the silk of a slave, which is their true condition.'
`Is such a thing often permitted by a master?' asked Audrey.
'Commonly not,' I said. `Such a thing is often thought to compromise a girl's slavery. It is usually not permitted to her. Usually she is kept as full and absolute slave, not so much as permitted to touch the garment of a free woman.'
pg 249 Beasts of GOR

He is Master and I am slave. He is owner and I am owned. He is to be pleased and I am to please. Why is this? Because he is Master and I am slave.
pg 184 Explorers of GOR

"There is a stain on your thigh," I said
"My Master took my virginity," she said.
"You are now a red-silk girl," I said
"Yes, Master," she said, "I am now a red-silk girl."
Explorers of Gor - Pg 200

In the eyes of Gorean law you are an animal. You have no name in your own right. You may be collared and leashed. You may be bought and sold, whipped, treated as the master pleases, disposed of as he sees fit. You have no rights whatsoever. Legally you have no more status than a tarsk or vulo. Legally, literally, you are an animal.'
pg 316 Explorers of GOR

Have her ears pierced. This would, in effect, guarantee that she would remain always only a slave on Gor. Gorean men find pierced ears, as do many men of Earth, stimulatory. To the Gorean such ear-piercing speaks blatantly of bondage. Penetration of a woman's flesh is publicly symbolized, in her very body; the wounds inflicted on her were intended and deliberate; and her body has now been prepared to bear, fastened in its very flesh, barbaric ornamentation. These things all speak to the Gorean of the female slave. Slave girls of course, once they have begun to learn their collars, and once they have begun to learn that they are truly slaves, and what it might mean, become very vain and proud over the piercing of their ears. They know that it makes them more attractive to men, and significantly so, and, too, they relish being able, with earrings, to make themselves even more beautiful and exciting. Slave girls tend to be very proud and happy in their sexuality.
pg 48 Blood Brothers of GOR

'And this cut,' said the woman, herself a slave, though permitted a brief tunic, 'is called the slave flame. See how it comes down the back, swirling.' She illustrated this with a kneeling girl whose hair had been cut, trimmed and shaped in this fashion. 'This,' she said, moving to the next girl, 'is an upswept fashion. It appears sophisticated. It is a hair-do favored by some free women, but it is not outlawed for slaves. Its pretentiousness, suggesting superciliousness and arrogance, contrasts nicely with the actual reality of the slave. The girl who wears this must watch her step, lest the master grow impatient with her. If you are permitted to wear this hair-do, make certain that you, after an initial resistance, if he permits it, yield to him as a particularly low and helpless girl. This hair-do here... with the bun in the back, is favored by many free women of the scribes. It, too, however, like the upswept hair-do has not been outlawed for slaves. Its apparent severity contrasts nicely with sexiness required of the slave.'
pg 298 Kajira of GOR

"Curiosity is not becoming in a kajira." he said
"Nonetheless" I said, " we are notoriously curious. Doubtless the saying would have otherwise gained such wide currency"
pg 443 Kajira of GOR

`The love slave is still slave, you see,' I said,
`perhaps moreso than any other. She is held in her bondage by the strongest of all bonds, that of love.'
pg 318 Mercenaries of GOR

`I want a private master,' she said, `I want my own master.' `It is a natural desire on the part of a female,' I said.
pg 318 Mercenaries of GOR

The buyers were also informed that I was `glana' or a virgin. The correlated term is `metaglana,' used to designate the state to which the glana state looks forward, or that which it is regarded as anticipating. Though the word was not used of me I was also `profalarina', which term designates the state preceding, and anticipating, that of `falarina,' the state Goreans seem to think of as that of being a full woman, or, at least, as those of Earth might think of it, one who certainly is no longer a virgin. In both terms, `glana' and `profalarina,' incidentally, it seems that the states they designate are regarded as immature or transitory, state to be succeeded by more fully developed, superior states, those of `metaglana' or `falarina.' Among slaves, not free women, these things are sometimes spoken of along the lines as to whether or not the girl as been `opened' for the uses of men. Other common terms, used generally of slaves, are `white silk' and `red silk', for girls who have not yet been opened, or have been opened, for the uses of men, respectively.
pg 128 Dancer of GOR

'You responded well to the taking,' I said. 'Perhaps it is fitting for you.'
'You do not respect me,' she said.
'You do not want to be respected,' I said. 'You want to be cherished, treasured, handled, abused, mastered, owned, subdued, forced to serve and love.' She was silent.
pg 105 Renegades of Gor

"This morning," I said. "you erred. It was rather a serious mistake. You were intending to drink from the upper bowl of the fountain, that reserved for free persons."
"Please do not punish me, Master," she begged. "I do not want to be whipped! Let me go this time! Just this time! I looked at her. "I will not do it again!" she wept. "I am sure you will not," I said. "Take off your clothes."
Mercenaries of Gor p 283

"I knelt before the whip master, anxiously lifting the tray to him. He picked up one of the biscuits. He turned it over. "This biscuit is burned on the bottom," he said. "If this happens again, you will be whipped."
p 294 Kajira of Gor

"It would have been difficult for her to have done so," I told Boabissia, "for last night her hands were chained behind her, that she might awaken me intimately, not using her hands, at dawn."
p 240 Mercenaries of Gor

"Sometimes I wish I were again free. Sometimes, when I am chained at night, or whipped, or commanded, and must do things I do not wish to do, I wish I were again free. And sometimes I am terribly afraid when I think of the power my masters have over me."
page 102 Rogue of Gor.

he laughed. It was true. Gorean men, on the whole, do not free slaves. The freeing of a girl is almost unheard of. This makes sense. They are not free women. They are belongings, valuables, slaves, treasures. Who discards precious possessions, who surrenders treasures? If the slave girl were worth less perhaps she would be freed more. She is too marvelous to free; and if she is not marvelous, she can be slain. Too, what man who has known the glory and joy of a girl at his feet is likely to wish to exchange that for the inconvenience and bother of a free woman? No, slave girls, for all practical purposes, are not freed. They will remain in one collar or another. Men will have it that way.
pg 90 Explorers of GOR

"Do you think you will have an easy slavery with me?" he asked.
"No, Master," she said.
"You are right," he said. "Your slavery will be a full slavery."
"I desire no other," she said, turning her head to face him.
I could smell the heat of her.
pg 276 Explorers of Gor

I pushed it down so that her navel might be well revealed. It is called the "slave belly" on Gor. Only slave girls, on Gor, reveal their navels.
pg 334 Explorers of Gor
