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Quiz Answers

Answers For Fitness Quiz
1. a=0 pts. b=1 pt. c=2 pts. d=3 pts.
2. a=1 pt. b=1 pt. c=2 pts. d=0 pts.
3. a=0 pts. b=1 pt. c=2 pts. d=3 pts.
4. a=1 pt. b=2 pts. c=3 pts. d=4 pts.
5. a=0 pts. b=1 pt. c=2 pts. d=3 pts.
6. a=1 pt. b=2 pts. c=3 pts. d=4 pts.
7. a=1 pt. b=2 pts. c=4 pts. d=3 pts.
8. a=1 pt. b=2 pts. c=3 pts. d=4 pts.
9. a=1 pt. b=2 pts. c=3 pts. d=4 pts.
10. a=1 pt. b=2 pts. c=3 pts. d=4 pts.
..........................HOW THE SCORES ADD UP...................

7-10 pts. DANGER ZONE. Try a sport or activity you enjoy and make it a part of your life. Exercise more and start eating right. You will have more energy and be more aware of your body. Your body needs care, so treat it right and it will do the same for you.

11-16 pts. You need improvement. It is important for you to be more aware of your body. You are on the verge of being in the danger zone.

17-26 pts. You are probably conscious enough of your body that you do not need people to tell you what is right to eat and when to exercise. Keep up the healthy habits and you'll continue to have energy and strength.

27-37 pts. You are very active and you think a lot about your body. This is good just be careful. If you are overactive and always trying to lose weight, you may be hurting your body more than helping it. Always allow yourself adequate fats and sugars and do not lose to much weight at once. Sometimes your body needs rest too. Teenagers especially need to pay attention to this.

________________________________________________________________________________ INTERPRETING YOUR STRESS TEST SCORE:

Score: 0-7
Meaning: You are experiencing less stress than 90% of the people who have answered this questionnaire. You probably have had fewer demands, more positives, and are feeling more vigorous than usual. Life is good.

Score: 8-14
Meaning: You are currently less effected by stress than 66% of the people who have answered this questionnaire. This does not mean fewer demands or problems, but rather that your capability to deal with demands feels strong right now.

Score: 15-21
Meaning: The amount of stress you are experiencing falls into an average range. For most people this means they are doing very well, but occasionally feel overwhelmed by the demands facing them.

Score: 22-28
Meaning: You are experiencing more stress than 66 % of the people who have answered this questionnaire. It is likely that life feels less rewarding and more of an effort right now. You may feel less balanced, more frustrated, less in control, and more impatient. There may be times when its hard to understand how things can get better. Stress may begin to contribute to symptoms of physical illness. More concerted effort gain insight into the demands facing you may allow things to improve more quickly. Ignoring or avoiding demands will probably make them worse. Problems feed on avoidance and grow into monsters.

Score: 29-35
Meaning: You are currently more effected by stress than 85% of the people who have answered this questionaire. For you, life may feel hard and unfair right now. If this score is the result of a recent problem that will go away on its own, then you may feel less troubled. If the demands facing you have been there longer, or solutions aren't apparent, you may spend much of your time feeling out of control. This may be the perfect time to get help from a close friend, family, a counsellor or your doctor.

Score: 36 or more
Meaning: Your score is higher than 95% of those responding to this questionnaire. It is likely that you are feeling out of control much of the time. You are probably spending much more time thinking about how bad your problems are than about how to solve them. Stress has probably effected your sleep and your health. It may be hard to figure out how or when life will feel easier again. Just hoping things will improve won't make it happen! Its time to get help.

Thank you Dr. Frank: Stress Test and interpretation.

________________________________________________________________________________ Depression True False Quiz Answers


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