Disclaimer: Star Trek Voyager and all of its characters are the property of Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's Note: Written for the alien-alien challenge on ASCEM.

Terminal Envy
By Rocky

"Oh, Seven," moaned Kashyk as he thrust into the ex-Borg again. "Now I know what 'perfection' truly means!"

The Doctor motioned to Janeway and together they left the holodeck.

"What was that all about?" the captain asked, her expression equal parts bewilderment and disgust.

"Seven is suffering from Biller Projection-Envy Disorder, characterized by a compulsive wish to re-enact key moments of another person's life. In this case, yours." The Doctor indicated the menu of holoprograms. "Mark Johnson, Kashyk, Michael Sullivan, Jaffen...and this."

"Chakotay?" Janeway said incredulously. "Is nothing sacred?"

"Not quite how I would have put it," muttered the Doctor.


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