Disclaimer: Star Trek and all of its characters are the property of Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's Note: The TOS bug finally bit, and this is what it came up with. Apologizing in advance for this one...

By Rocky

"Isn't there anything you can do, Bones?"

McCoy glanced at the biobed once more before shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Captain. The injuries are too severe. All I can do is make him comfortable for the little time he has left."

Kirk slammed his fist into his palm. "Dammit, there's got to be something!"

"I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker."

"I just can't accept that we have to sit idly and watch him die."

"Unfortunately, that's all we can do." McCoy moved the patient's uniform-clad arm so it wasn't dangling off the edge of the bed. "He's red, Jim."


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