Disclaimer: Star Trek and all of its characters are the property of Paramount/Viacom. No copyright infringement is intended.

School Daze

By Rocky

Young Montgomery Scott tried to slip in through the back door unobserved. Unfortunately, in his extreme care to avoid the squeaky floor board, his foot slipped and collided with the dog’s food dish. Old Blue instantly started barking his displeasure.

Mrs. Scott looked up. “Home so early from school, Monty?”

He nodded, wishing he could transport himself a million miles away.

That’s right,” his mother said, laying aside her mending. “It’s report card day, isn’t it? Well, come on, lad, hand it over.”

Montgomery hesitated.

It can’t be that bad. “ At Montgomery’s doleful look, she added, “Can it?”

Wordlessly, Montgomery held out the envelope and braced himself, preparing for the worst.

Mrs. Scott slit the envelope open with her sewing scissors. “Let’s see—language arts, all right, Federation history, so-so, curling, very good, art, well, we can’t all be winners…” She came to an abrupt halt at the last line. “Montgomery, what is that?”

Montgomery shook his head, hoping against hope to ward off the inevitable.

A failing grade?” she shrieked, sounding very like the alarm klaxon in the town square. “Never in my life did I expect to see such a thing from you! Montgomery Scott, you should be ashamed of yourself. Clearly you haven’t been doing your studying! Well, there are going to be some changes around here, that’s for sure. You’re grounded till further notice. And just wait till your father comes home!”

But Mum—“

I mean it! There’s no excuse for this!”

But Mum—“

Mrs. Scott exasperatedly put her hands on her hips and glared at her offspring. “All right, then, what do you have to say for yourself, young man?”

But Mum! I tried! I truly did! But I canae learn the laws of physics!”


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