Disclaimer: Star Trek Voyager and all of its characters are the property of Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's Note: Another response to the Trek100 "joy after betrayal" challenge. Takes place late in the seventh season.

By Rocky

Janeway's lips tightened as she contemplated Chakotay's latest 'stunt.' Not that it had come as a surprise, of course. She'd been aware of the problem from the very beginning--even before they'd actually met. His Starfleet dossier had been most thorough. If she'd needed any further proof, there was the whole business with Seska. Fortunately, she'd had the means to combat that threat directly.

Her frown deepened as she recalled what came next. Riley Frazier. That mysterious alien woman. And now this.

"Beep. Phase One now completed."

Janeway discarded the empty box of Miss Tri-Clairol and smiled at her reflection.


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