Disclaimer: Star Trek and its characters are the property of Paramount. Great Lines filched from other sources (see if you can identify them). No copyright infringement intended in any case.

Summary: Outtakes that never made it into TWOK. An answer to Rob's "Great Lines Challenge"

Author's Note: I swore off drabbles, I really did. This is all Rob's fault.

by Rocky


Kirk watched in horror as the figure in the radiation chamber slowly slumped to the floor. He lunged forward, desperate to do something, anything, to save his friend.

"No, Captain!" Scotty said, restraining him. "You can't go in there! You'll flood the entire Engineering section if you do!"

"But Spock! He'll die!"

"He's dead already," Scotty said despairingly as he let Kirk go.

"Spock!" Kirk pounded on the glass.

Spock turned, his lips moving.

"What's that?" Kirk said, then turned to Scotty, "Did you catch that?"

"I canna be certain," Scotty said, "but I think it was, 'I'll be back.'"


David Marcus's lip curled in disgust. "Typical Starfleet—come in and start giving orders."

Kirk paid no attention to the young man. "No more stonewalling, Carol. I need to know just what Genesis is capable of."

Carol opened her mouth and David turned on her savagely. "Mom! Don't tell him anything!"

Kirk felt his temper fraying. "That's it! I've had just about enough from you, young man."

"Oh yeah? You can't tell me what to do!"

"Actually, I can," Kirk said.

"Why? Because you're an Admiral?"

"That's one reason."

"What's the other?"

Kirk sighed. "David, I am your father."



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