Disclaimer: Star Trek Voyager and all of its characters are the property of Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's Note: Response to the trek100 "Letter" challenge. Takes place toward the end of the fourth season episode "Hunters".

Dear Kathryn
By Rocky

The PADD lay nearby. Janeway had already read Mark's letter enough times to know it by heart. He'd spelled out what the last four years had been like: fear, denial, grief--and finally, acceptance.

He'd gone on with his life. It was inevitable, yet she was surprised how much it hurt. She railed at the mention of his marriage--was this what she needed to hear, 60,000 light years away?

Later, she'd be glad he'd found someone to love, and would realize he'd set her free to do the same.

Now, she mourned the loss of what might have been.


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