Haiku Page

Note: Haiku consists of 17 syllables, written in a 5-7-5 pattern. These were inspired by Jungle Kitty's challenge (and wonderful responses of her own).

The Quintessential Crew of the Starship Enterprise
by Rocky

"Relax!" he says. Smiles.
"I will prevail in the end
like I always do."

"To Thine Own Self Be
True". Which of my selves
must I then betray?

A lifelong passion
for a beautiful lady
known as Enterprise.
-- Scotty

With surgical skill,
he cures illness and cuts his
friend/foe down to size.
-- McCoy

"Hailing frequencies
open." One day they'll see there's
more to me than this.

-- Uhura

An unacknowledged
rivalry, until a last
boundary is crossed.
-- Mitchell