Disclaimer: Star Trek: DS9 is the property of Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's Note: Another response to the trek100 "paragon" challenge, a companion piece to Vessel of the Gods because YCD told me to write one for Dukat.

Gift of the Prophets
By Rocky

He was just a simple Bajoran farmer, and yet she knew immediately that the Prophets had sent him to be her guide. In his presence, she found greater inspiration than she ever had previously, surrounded by dour-faced Vedeks. With his help, she finally scaled the heights--both spiritual and physical--that had heretofore eluded her. The Prophets smiled upon her at last, confirming she was the chosen one, that in her hands lay the destiny of all Bajor.

And best of all, he lived only to serve her. He was her instrument, her advisor, her friend, her lover. Her Anjohl.


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