Disclaimer: Star Trek Deep Space Nine and its characters are the property of Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's note: Written for the LJ first lines challenge. First line provided by Seema.

Summary: episode coda to season 4 "For The Cause"

Duty Calls
by Rocky

She's leaving in the morning.

The thought is never far from Sisko's mind as he holds Kasidy in his arms, as they make love slowly and tenderly, as she at last lies sleeping next to him, wrapped in dreams where he can't follow. She's leaving in the morning, and if his suspicions are correct, there will be no going back--for either of them.

He's already begged her not to go, conjuring up fantasies of the two of them enjoying an impromptu vacation on Risa instead. But even before the words were spoken, he knew she wouldn't, couldn't, give in.

"I have to, Ben. The Tholians need these supplies." She didn't look at him as she spoke, perhaps afraid he'd catch the lie in her eyes.

Now as he keeps his silent vigil, waiting for the call which will in all likelihood take her from him forever, he realizes he doesn't mind that the woman he loves has chosen duty over him. As a Starfleet officer, he understands all too well. What bothers him is that her conception of duty is so diametrically opposed to his own.


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