Disclaimer: Star Trek Voyager and all of its characters belong to Paramount. No copyright infringement is intended.

Story Notes: Yet another story in the "Payments" series, following " Services Rendered ."


"---And as President of the Joint Societies of 12-Step Self-Help Groups, it is with great pleasure that I introduce our keynote speaker: Commander Chakotay, former first officer of the starship Voyager!"

A polite smattering of applause was heard as Chakotay made his way to the podium. The smiling chairwoman lingered a moment or two to make sure the microphone was positioned properly, and then took her seat.

Chakotay took a sip of water and glanced quickly at the padd that contained his notes. Looking out at the half-filled auditorium, he smiled at the auburn-haired woman in the front row who nodded encouragingly.

"I'd like to begin with a little story. There's an ancient legend among my people--"

As he spoke, part of his brain was considering the size of the honorarium he was getting for today's speech. With any luck, he'd only have to keep doing this for the next 70 years.


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