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sorry the real video will be up shortly
this site is growing the gallerys will have more pics later. member we're pretty new.
Ryoko Gallery
Dragonball Gallery
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Welcome fellow Anime Fan!!!
Welcome to Anime Central. Thanks for coming. Sorry guys I haven't work on Anime Central in about a month. Well I'm working on it now. Anyways if you have any fanfics or fanart just send it me(Jon), Kev, or Tita and we'll post it on the site. Joe is now going to college so he won't be here for a while. He's going to New England Tech and he's going to be a Computer repair man. Anyways good luck to you Joe. Another thing if anyone out there wants to help or donate webspace we could use it. Thanks bye.
Coming Attractions to Anime Central
Ryoko Profile - coming soon
Chibi usa - more stuff
Anime Central - Fanclub
Uncle Jim an alias Kevin developed using a pic of the fat guy on McGuiver and some good ole' know how and he made it interesting so if you want to hear what Uncle Jim has to say click ENTER below!!!
Disclaimer: This is a non-profit organization we are not making money on this page. If we have infringed on any laws please email us and we'll fix it. Anything else like your mad we got a better site than you or we took your pics sorry we can't help you there if we took anything from you're site just email us and we'll happily put a banner but their are limitations on size and where, we pick where and size if too big too bad.