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Kirby Topsites [Join Now]

Food!!! I want some food and stuff. Hungryyy! Hungryyy! Hungryyy! Hungryyy! Hungryyy! Hungryyy! I like junk food and pizza!! I repeat: Food!!! I want some food and stuff. Hungryyy! Hungryyy! Hungryyy! Hungryyy! Hungryyy! Hungryyy! I like junk food and pizza!! All well, I still have to tell you some stuff that's about this website. This site has a lot of-- HUNGRY! And the --HUNGRY! are very funny. And there also a Kirby house, with Kirby --HUNGRY! Enjoy the-- HUNGRY!

I will tell you about this website if you leave your mouse arrow thing on me.

Welcome to my site! This site just has some odd stories. My Nickname here is Mr. Frosty. I have a layout too.

Enter. And Beware of many updates sometimes. Splash image was made by Mr. Frosty. (me!)


Hi! I'm OP's assistent, Allyl!