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Welcome to our final project for British Literature 201 at the Ohio State University. On this page we will be showing how women have helped to make the world less patriarcal and more female friendly.
Women were not always deemed intelligent enough to write or to make a life for themselves. They were taught to nurture their bodies instead of their minds in order to attract a man to protect them. If it wasn't for the early women patriots such as Mary, Queen of Scots,Queen Elizabeth and others; writters like L.M. Montgomery of  Anne of Green Gables  fame, Maya Angelou of  I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings  fame, and many others, would not have produced the great works that they did.  By excluding women from the mainstream culture, art, literature and science suffered. Think about it. Half of the world's population were not allowed to contribute to humanities advancement. what a waste! Now times have changed but there are still women being oppressed. Hopefully in the next hundred years, all this will change for the better.

Social Expectations of White Women
(reprinted from the North American Review in Charleston Mercury, October 10, 1837)

Man is great in action - Woman in suffering.
Man shines abroad - Woman at home.
Man talks to convince - Woman to persuade and please.
Man has a rugged heart - Woman a soft and tender one.
Man prevents misery - Woman relieves it.
Man has science - Woman taste.
Man has judgement - Woman sensibility.
Man is a being of justice - Woman an angel of mercy.

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