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ok heres my 1st memory... was of vodka hating me and Winnie was my friend and she emailed me and it had vod's addy on it so i used it against her...wheeewweeee was RED pist oh my she cussed me for everything i was lol especially when i found out her name lol she was irrate lol...YES WHAT FUN IT WAS back in the day red ghost and rambo use to ignore me and winnie was the only one who would chat with me...Me hitting on MOMgeff when side wasnt around hehehe...then holli came along and we use to have fun!!we use to laugh our ass off!!! A few months later i met crazy, max and sand.. i took them under my wing and look at them now...hehehehe...then eeyoreblues came into the room and chat has never been the same sand and i laugh alot together, she is a great friend and pager buddy...well i guess thats about it...oh i remember GF whatever happened to her anyway grrrr i hated her lol..and also poor dodis always being picked on and me trying to get them to stop..Theres so many memories i have of chat..good and bad..i could go on forever.............OH gosh i cant forget about the day i got red prego lol...shes still carrying lil asstin....boy she must be big as the house now lol...ok thats it i promise hehehehe....
