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The Constitution Of The Cheech Republic


We the citizens of the Cheech Republic, in order to form the perfect union, and grant a more perfect liberty to our citizens, establish this constitution for the Cheech Republic.

Article 1

Legislative Branch

Section 1

All final lawmaking powers are reserved solely to a Congress, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.

Section 2

House of Representatives

1. Election- Members shall be elected once a year by their assigned group of ten citizens. 2.Qualifications-Each member of Government must pass a mandatory test on process of law, and of this Constitution. 3.Vacancies-Vacancies will be filled by an emergency vote of the representative district. 4.Impeachment-All members of Govenrment can be impepached by an 80% vote of their respective voting group.

Section 3

The Senate

1.Composition;Term-Senators shall be elected by a respective group of twenty citizens, from close sections in the case of permanent citizens, and chronologial groups in the case of transient citizens. Senate terms last two years. 2.Qualifications-(See Art.1, Sec. 2;2) 3.Vacancies-(See Art.1, Sec. 2;3) 4.Impeachment-(See Art.1, Sec. 2;4)

Article 2

The President

1.Composition;Term-President shall be elected by a majority vote of all the citizens of the Cheech Republic, never by an electoral college, popular vote rules. The term of president lasts three years. 2.Qualifications-(See Art.1, Sec. 2;2) 3.Vacancies-In the case of a presidential vacancy, the Vice President shall take over the office of President. If the Vice President vacancies, then an emergency election will take place. 4.Impeachment-(See Art.1, Sec. 2;4)

Article 3

The Judicial Branch

1.Conditions;Terms-Judges are apppointed by Congress, upon a vote of their constituents. They are termed for ten years. 2.Qualifications-Judges must pass rigorous testing on this Constitution, and hypothetical ruling essays. 3.Vacancies-There must be at least one judge per forty citizens, if the number of Judges falls below this number, an emergency election will be held. 4.Impeachment-(See Art 1,Sec 2;4)

Article 4

Duties of Officials

1.Representatives-To bring the wishes of their constituents to higher government. 2.Senators-To hear petitions of Reppresentatives, and make laws accordingly. 3.President-Commander in Cheif of Armed Forces, vetoer of unjust laws. 4.Judges-To determine whether laws are unjust or unconstitutional. To oversee complaints that bridge the other branches of government.

Article 5

Emergency Elections

In the event of an emergency election, all votes on said subject must be tallied within one week. All who do not vote on said subject within this period withdraw their right to vote on said subject. If iit is found that said person was not notified of the vote, that person can still vote on said subject.

Article 6

Passing Of Laws

1.Every proposition brought to Congress will be voted on. If a majority is for the proposition, a bill will be drafted. After the bill is drafted, it will be voted on again. If a three-fourths majority is reached, the bill becomes law. The law will take effect on the day of the next meeting of Congress. 2.If a bill is not passed, it can be brought back to vote, not more than once every six months.

Article 7

The Armed Forces

1.The armed forced shall be formed by Congress. All members of the armed forces shall only join on a voluntary basis. 2.Declaration of War will be held as an emergency election, and must be passed by an 80% majority.

Article 8


Congress has the sole right to regulate trade, print currency, establish roads, post systems, and communication systems.

Article 9


1.Conditions-All citizens must pass an informal quiz on this Constitution. All citizens must vote regularly. 2.Transient Citizens-All citizens not living within the Cheech Republic six months out of the year are transient citizens. in the case of Presidential Elections, War Declaration votes, and Impeachment votes, a transient citizen counts as one vote. 3.Permanent Citizens-Citizens living six months out of the year in the Cheech Republic, shall be permanent citizens. In the voting cases seen above, a permanent citizen counts as two votes. 4.Transient Citizens not voting within a period of two years forfeit their citizenship.

Article 10

Citizens Rights

1.All rights not expressly prohibited by this constitution, or laws ammended hereafter, can not be punishable. 2.Certain rights can not be prohibited. and any rights decided by a 60% majority vote of all citizens.

Article 11


1.Political Parties are prohibited, candidates must run on the issues. 2.No two successive generations of the same immediate family can hold the same office in government. 3.All rights of citizens apply regardless of race, creed, religion, or sexual orientation.

Article 12


1.This Constitution must be ratified unanimously by all citizens as of March 1,2000.
