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AUstin will resume his boxing career, get in a fight with Tyson, and get his ear (and maybe other body parts) bit off (courtesy of Amy aka BassAle)

Austin will end up in the Guiness Book of Records for the longest piece of body hair ever recorded...quite an achievement considering all the Italians out there

Austin will make money by charging admission for people to see the first half man/half monkey. Oh ooppss hes not a man. Oh well he can try.

Austin will be finally put behind bars- zoo bars that is

Austin will die in the woods cause he cant work a canopener

Austin is finally recognized as being the first person without a brain and is caged like the monkey he is. There he is examined for life as experts ponder how he managed to function without any brain cells.

Austin finally gets sick and tired of his lack of brain power and not being able to relate to Salemites so he moves to the jungle. There, he can finally relate to his own kind even if they are on a higher level of intellect.

Austin decides to make a living instead of relying on his mom and makes a fortune as the new cure for insomnia.

Carrie dumps Austin so he crawls back to Sami who gets her just desserts and rejects him. Austin then turns to Stefano and they run away together.

Austin appears on the cover of People as the "UGLIEST MAN ALIVE"

Austin finally finds a job as a helper for opera singers who cant quite hit the high notes enough to smash those mirrors and windows. So they hire Austin to stand in front of the mirrors and windows which show his reflection and watch those mirrors smash!!!

Austin gets sick of hanging around the hospital where he is reminded that his wife has a job and a hunky doctor to soothe her so he takes a peg off Kate and Billie and tried to sell his body on the street. Needless to say, he couldnt find any customers so in a fit of shame he leaves Salem to get plastic surgery.

Sami takes Austins car for another spin and revenge is sweet. Yes, she runs over him repeatly like he did to her. He is left comotose and like Victor, shipped off and never spoken of again.

Austin gets fed up with playing second fiddle to Mikes good looks and intelligence so he leaves Salem in shame. He then finds success in teaching fed up and tired parents on how to make children mute.

Carrie dumps the monkey man and marries Mike so Austin turns to Sami and gets the ultimate punishment he deserves- a lifetime with a whiney, crying hyena with a stupid mute boy


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