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Austin Dialogue

Duh cause im too stupid and a pathetic actor

Did you know that my grandparents were apes?

I dont have to work, remember my moms rich

Why didnt I go to med school? Maybe because I didnt pass fourth grade?

Of course i believe Sami even though she has lied to me every time she opened her mouth, schemed to keep my away from Carrie, drugged me into bed, forced me to marry her, faked amnesia to try and get me to remarry her and pretended Will was my son. Sami is no liar!!

I guess all those knocks to the head in the boxing ring killed my last brain cell

No i dont work, instead I spend all my time kissing Samis ass or punching bags at the gym

I dont understand

Carrie...uh...I want you to quit your job so we can both be unemployed bums who sponge off their mother

What does Carrie see in Mike? After all he is only a handsome, successful, intelligent doctor who is a million times better than i am.

I think Will is a genius. At the age of 3 he is already smarter than i am and he cant even talk yet!

Yes I am the first person to live without a brain- im quite proud of the achievement

i was dropped on my head a lot as a baby


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