Chapter Thirty-Five


Rose looked at her left hand again for the hundredth time that day. It had been a day since she and Jack had found each other again. That morning he had run out to purchase an engagement ring. It wasn’t nearly as expensive or as glamorous as the ring that Cal had given her, the same ring that she had thrown off the side of the Carpathia. But the ring that she wore on her finger now was so much more meaningful. It had come from Jack. He had given it to her with so much love.

They hadn't officially announced their engagement to his family yet. They planned on telling them that night at dinner. Rose smiled when she thought of last night’s dinner. Everyone had been so kind to her, with the exception of Diane, of course. They had all listened intently as Jack and Rose told their unique story. Of course, they hadn't told them everything. Some things were just too painful and private to tell. Rose had found out that Jesse and his sister ate dinner with the Dawsons quite often. Rose couldn’t figure out why Diane didn’t like her. She suspected that it had something to do with Jack. Rose had noticed the way that Diane looked at him.

Rose continued to wash the dishes from lunch. Jack had gone to work after giving her the ring, and Katherine wasn’t feeling well again. She had no idea where Nora had gone off to. Rose had offered to fix lunch and clean up the kitchen. Besides, it’ll be good practice for me. I’ll be a wife soon…and a mother, she thought. She was excited about being pregnant, but she dreaded the arrival of the baby. She didn’t know what she would do if it turned out to be Cal’s.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Diane entered the room. She glared at Rose. Rose was tired of receiving her dirty looks. She’d had enough. "What is your problem, Diane?" she cried. Diane seemed a little shocked at Rose’s outburst. She remained silent, just staring at Rose, almost challenging her. "It’s Jack, isn't it? You’re in love with him, and you hate me because he’s in love with me."

Diane stared at her for a moment. Her eyes spit fire. "You don’t deserve him, Rose. I know what type of girl you are. You’ll get sick of his type of life and go running back to all of your money. You’ll break his heart."

Rose couldn’t help but laugh. "You don’t know me! All you know about me is what Jack and I told you last night at dinner, and believe me, that wasn’t much. You have no idea what I will or will not do," Rose cried indignantly. Diane still glared at her. Rose couldn’t believe this girl.

"I know that you rich people are all the same. You’ll use Jack to get your kicks, and then you’ll go back to your rich fiancé and all of your money. Well, I’ll be here to pick up the pieces of Jack’s heart after you leave him."

Rose grew serious. How could this girl even think for one minute that she would leave Jack? "I don’t blame you for being in love with him. He is the kindest and most caring man that I have ever met. But you're wrong about me leaving him. I would never go back to my former fiancé; he doesn’t hold a candle to Jack. And as for all of my so-called money…there isn't any. You have no idea what my life was like before Jack came along and saved it, so don’t go telling me what I will and will not do!"

Rose turned her back on Diane and continued to clean up the kitchen. Diane stormed out of the room. How dare she talk to me like that? She is nothing but a stuck up snob! Jack is going to get his heart broken, but I’ll be there to pick up the pieces! Diane thought happily as she joined Nora in the sitting room.

Nora looked up at Diane nervously. "I heard the two of you fighting in there. I don’t understand, Diane. You told me that you have been over Jack for a long time now."

Diane sat down on the couch, a gloomy expression on her face. "I thought that I was, but I don’t think that I’ll ever get over him. She doesn’t deserve him. I’ve loved him for years. We belong together!"

Nora looked at her friend nervously. "I’m sorry, Diane, but I know my brother. He’s in love with her. I’ve never seen him so happy."

Diane shook her head. "He might think that he’s in love with her, but he’ll realize differently when she leaves him. And I’m going to be there to pick up the pieces of his broken heart."

Nora shook her head sadly. "You’re my best friend, Diane, and for your sake, I hope that you’re right, but if they get married, and I know that they will, who will be there to pick up the pieces of your heart?"

Diane stood up angrily. "They will not get married! I don’t care what anyone says. Jack and I belong together. I’ve loved him for practically my whole life. If anyone is going to marry Jack Dawson, it will be me. Everyone will see. Just wait!"

Nora watched as she left the house. She felt torn between wanting her brother to be happy and wanting her friend to have the love of her life. Nora felt completely torn. And the worst part for Nora was feeling as if she weren’t allowed to like Rose. After all, Diane was her best friend. I just hope that everything works out…for everyone.

Chapter Thirty-Six