Chapter Twenty

Rose lay on the bed. Her anger had subsided into misery and she had sobbed into her pillow. Then that emotion had changed into bewilderment, confusion and uncertainty.

She had been over to the door a listened a couple of times, but heard nothing. She had tried pulling the servants’ bell but no one came. She had presumed Cal had told the servants to keep away, including Trudy. How dare he keep my own maid away from me, she thought angrily. Hot tears of anger and frustration fell down her cheeks. But she knew that it was Hockley money that paid Trudy’s wages so she would have had little choice. She brushed the tears away. This isn’t going to help me, she decided. Cal is trying to prove some kind of point and until he thinks he has, nothing is going to change.

Wandering over to the lounge area of her bedroom suite she found some books she had left on the table and decided to read. After all, she could lose herself in the print and forget her misery and hunger. It would also help pass the time.

It was now late afternoon. Rose heard a click from the direction of the door. She sat bolt upright, almost nervous, quite anxious to see who it was. The door opened and Love joy appeared from behind the door.

"Excuse me Miss Rose" he said.

Rose detested Lovejoy at the best of times. Now he held the key to her prison. Her anger rose immediately. She got off the bed, pulling her wrap around her.

"I want to speak to Cal NOW" she demanded.

"I am sorry Miss Rose, Mr. Hockley is unavailable. I have your lunch here."

Trudy was ushered into the room, carrying a tray. She exchanged eye contact with Rose but didn’t say anything. She put the tray on the table.

"I do not care. Go and fetch him now."

"I’m sorry Miss Rose, I can’t do that."

"Yes you can." Rose was shouting now. "Go and fetch him NOW. Do as I tell you."

"I’m sorry Miss Rose."

Rose lost her temper.

"Damn you Lovejoy. I’m telling you to go and fetch your master."

"I am sorry Miss Rose." His said in his monotone voice. Then he called Trudy. She reluctantly made to leave, gave Rose a little curtsy and left.

"You will go and fetch Cal NOW" she screamed at Lovejoy who began to close the door. Rose grabbed a vase from the dresser and threw it at the closing door. Love joy did not reopen the door.

Rose collapsed sobbing to the ground, her fight gone.

"Oh Jack" she sobbed. "Why didn’t I listen to you? Why didn’t I stay with you?"

She sat up and wiped her eyes. Come on Rose, she encouraged herself. Get up, don’t be beaten. She got up and went to see what Trudy had bought. It was a cold selection of meats, cheeses, some bread and a slab of cherry cake. Rose pulled up a chair and ate hungrily.

She reminded herself of what she thought earlier. Cal was playing was playing some stupid, cruel game. When he thought he’d won, when she let him think he’d won, he would release her. She would have to stay calm, quiet and submissive until she was released. Then she was going to have to have a long, hard think about things, her future, Cal and Jack. He had promised to help her in anyway he could. She may have to test that promise.

Chapter Twenty-One