Chapter Twelve

Rose closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep. The images she saw were of no comfort, so she thought of Jack and his drawings. This cheered her somewhat, although she couldn't or wouldn't allow herself to understand why.

When she awoke from her sleep, she hadn't an idea of long she had slept. She knew one of Cal's numerous gold pocket watches was on the dresser. Slowly she got out off bed and over to the watch and checked the time. It was lunchtime, she had slept late.

She rang the bell to the servants quarters and got back in to bed. Presently she heard a gentle knock on the door.

"Come in."

Hannah one the other maids emerged from behind the door. "Yes Miss Rose?"

"Is Trudy up yet?"

"She is just getting up I believe Miss."

"Then send her up here when she is ready. That will be all." Rose snapped rather at Hannah, but at the moment she only wanted her own familiar maid, not one of Cal's staff.

Hannah left the room and went to find Trudy who was just finishing tying her apron on.

"Miss Rose is asking for you. She looks in right state."

"That'll do Hannah. No gossiping." Trudy wanted to quash any gossip she could before it became rife downstairs. She checked her appearance for neatness before going to Miss Rose's room.

"Trudy, can you find out where my mother and Mr. Hockley are. Discreetly." Rose asked.

Trudy soon returned.

"Your mother is in the sitting room, Mr. Hockley appears to have left for Pittsburgh for a few days. His father is not well and he has asked for a few things to be sent over later."

"Very well," Rose decided.

"Do you want to get up yet Miss?"

They were disturbed by a knock on the door. Ruth walked straight in.

"Excuse us Trudy." Trudy left.

"Well you do look a state."

"Thanks for your concern." Rose replied sarcastically.

"I am leaving today as planned. I saw Cal before he left." Ruth paused. "He told me what happened."

"Did he?" Rose questioned.

"Yes he did. I'm disappointed with you Rose. I thought after our conversation the other day you might have listened to what I said."

"I'm sorry Mother, I don't understand."

"Your behavior Rose." Ruth lowered her voice. "Trying to get away from Cal and avoiding your…..obligations to him"

"What did he tell you?"

"That he, er you. Look Rose this is difficult. He said that you tried to get off the bed too quickly and stumbled."

"Oh he would tell you that," Rose said bitterly.

"What are you saying Rose? Did you hit your head on the chair or not?"

"Well yes I did but," Ruth cut in sharply.

"Then do not imply anything else. I warned you Rose. I will not have this and Cal certainly will not. Now I'm going home and I do not want to have Cal calling on me making more complaints. Goodbye Rose."

"Goodbye Mother" Rose threw herself back against the pillows in anger. Trust Cal to get in there first with a story.

Trudy returned with an enormous bouquet of flowers.

"These came for you Miss Rose." She handed Rose the card. "I will put these in water."

Rose read the card:

"I love you, Cal" was all it said.

Chapter Thirteen