Chapter Fifteen

Tears blurred my vision and my heart pounded as the lifeboat slowly and unsteadily lowered down, farther away from my father and from Rob. Before I knew what I was doing, I was up on my feet and jumping out of the boat. I clung to the edge of the ship while women shrieked all around me. Someone pulled me over and I landed in a heap on the tilted deck of Titanic. "Miss, are you all right?" a male voice asked me. I ignored him and got up, frantically searching for Rob. Behind me, I heard my mother screaming my name, but she soon faded away.

I had no idea where I was going. I just ran up the Grand Staircase, up to the top deck where I got on the lifeboat. I ran down the deck, everything rushing by in a blur.

"Rob! Rob, where are you?" I cried, searching for him. I wasn't watching where I was going, and I ran smack into someone and fell backwards.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled, trying to get up.

"Belle," a familiar voice said with relief. I looked up with surprise, and it was Rob. I managed to laugh at my luck, and he helped me up and held me close.

"What were you thinking, Belle? Huh? You should have stayed on the boat, safe," he whispered as tears fell down my cheeks. I couldn't think, I couldn't see, and I could hardly hear. I held onto him for dear life and cried into his warm chest.

"Belle, come on. We've got to get you to a boat," Rob gently said, lifting my chin to make eye contact. All I could do was shake my head.

"Oh, Belle, please. You’ve got to get off this ship. You've got to," Rob pleaded, tears forming in his eyes.

"What about your mother?" I squeaked.

"I'll find her and put her on a boat, too. Don't worry," Rob said. I could see that he wasn't so sure that that was possible. "But I have to get you safe first."

"Rob, if I can't stay with you, then please let me get on a boat with your mother," I managed to say, looking into his worried eyes. If he let me, then I would get to spend a little more time with him. And maybe, just maybe, we might find a lifeboat that would let men on, too.

He hesitated for a moment. "All right, but we've got to find her, and fast," he said, and took my hand. We ran back inside and down the slanted stairs to B Deck, where his stateroom was.

Chapter Sixteen