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My Shrine to Dark Schneider and his Girls

DS has many women in his life. His original goal was to make all of the women in the world his. Although he may seem like a big pimp, DS loves two girls more than any other: Yoko and Arshes Neigh. Yoko is the young red head, Arshes Neigh is the elf in the sluty clothes. The other black haired girl in the bottem pics would be Princess Sheila. Sheila has an apparent crush on DS and though in the pics below he looks like he returns those feelings, she is just another girl to him. Yoko is about 15 and DS met her when he was imprisoned inside Ruche. Arshes Neigh is his adopted daughter and is about 100 years old. DS is 500 years old.Yoko is allowed to get away with stuff that other DS girls couldn't. Like she yells at him and smacks him around. Arshes Neigh is okay, I guess, although she wears to sluty clothes. But I think it should be Yoko and DS, although Yoko only likes DS because its Ruche's other half. There are Ruche and Yoko pics just to show how there relationship is, but the only reason she is kissing him is to awaken DS.Personally Arshes Neigh should be with Nija Master Gara. . . . .but thats my opinion.Oh yeah! The fith pic is the whore(Princess Sheila) Kissing Ruche to Awaken DS.
