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Twenty Or So Things You Never Knew About Parsnips

  1. A parsnip is a similar shape to a carrot

  2. Unlike a carrot, it is not orange.

  3. Or red.

  4. The word "parsnip" has two vowels in. If it had none it would be prsnp, which would be much harder to pronounce.

  5. Parsnips can be boiled, roasted or fried.

  6. They can also be thrown away.

  7. Someone called Kylee Logue claimed never to have seen a parsnip. She will now be pleased at the picture on the top of the page... I hope, despite the fact that this parsnip was moving when I took the picture!

  8. In France, parsnips are fed to pigs as they are not considered fit for human consumption.

  9. In France, frogs, horsemeat and brain are considered edible.

  10. Mr Parker of LRGS says he does not like parsnips.

  11. Mrs Gorse, a relative of the author here, says that she was fed on parsnip sandwiches with banana essence added during the war. Times were hard and deceitful mothers common.

  12. Parsnip is after parsley in a typical English dictionary, but is not usually accompanied by said herb.

  13. Parson comes afterwards.

  14. Ed Thorpe, the famous mathematician says that parsips should be used for noses on snowmen (and women) as thay are more similar in colour to the snow itself.

  15. The biggest parsnip ever grown was not considered extraordinary at the time and was simply eaten. Allegedly it was grown by Mr Gorse of Lancashire, England. He can be contacted at

  16. Parsnip is an anagram of p sprain

  17. "Did you know that the reversed form of parsnips is spins rap. Sounds like a Labour Party anthem. " These words were sent to me by the ever popular contributor, Maxhew Lottham

  18. Many famous people like parsnips, too many to mention here.

  19. Several recipes feature parsnips: my favourite is creamed parsnip soup


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