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Quote of the Week
"Just because I have to look like a boy doesn't mean I have to smell like one!"----Mulan

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Created: August 20, 1998
We are Updated Weekly

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Top Ten Things To Never Say Around Chien-Po

  • Let me guess, you're not fat, you just have a cell surplus, right?
  • I don't believe in the cruel, mindless slaughter of animals merely for food>!
  • Mommy! Blimp!
  • Tell me, how can you stand offering food to that Buddha statue when you could just eat all that food yourself? (no offense to you religious people out there)
  • I bet I can eat more than you!
  • (at KentuckyFriedChicken)You are what you eat!
  • I got candy! And you don't! NannyNannyBooBoo!
  • Excuse me sir, but how did you get through the doorway in the first place?
  • AAAAAAAAAH! The MOON has fallen!
  • Dinner is served! Come and get it!

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