rock on

rock on

my horoscope in the toronto star said something very uplifting today
"Ambitions don't have to take a back seat to happy relationships -- you can do both. "
isn't that great? because that's exactly what i've been dithering about - do i choose to focus on career at the expense of my social life? perhaps it's the sort of thing that goes without saying; balance is not having to choose between opposites type of thing.

(i'm listening to ben fold's 'rocking the suburbs' right now. it cracks me up. and gives me a little perspective. it's good to leave for work with a smile on my face).

i'd write more, but i'm wearing my huge boots today, and it's gonna take me ten minutes to lace them up.

i'm going to see harry potter tonight. i'll probably write a review tomorrow.

"y'all don't know what it's like, being male, middle class and white!"