Road Wild
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Road Wild Results


• Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Jr., and Kidman defeated The Dead Pool (Vampiro and Insane Clown Posse, w/Raven) with Kidman's Shooting Star Press.
- The Dead Pool first worked on Eddie Guerrero. Rey Mysterio, Jr. was tagged in and started to clean house, until he was thrown into the steel steps by Raven and received the Vampiro Spike by Vampiro on the outside of the ring. The advantage was back on The Dead Pool's side, as they worked on Mysterio. After a split-legged moonsault by Mysterio, Kidman was tagged in. The Insane Clown Posse was knocked to the outside, as Kidman finished off Vampiro with the Shooting Star Press.

• Harlem Heat defeated The Traid (Bam Bam Bigelow, Kanyon) with Booker T.'s Missle Dropkick, to capture the Tag Team Titles.
- Diamond Dallas Page did not accompany Bam Bam Bigelow and Kanyon to the ring, since he was preparing for his upcoming No Disqualification-United States Title match with Chris Benoit that would take place later in the show. Kanyon first insulted the crowd, calling them rednecks and saying most of them could not afford cable TV. He received nothing but revs of motorcycle engines, so he decided not to ask his "Who's better than Kanyon?" question. In the match, The Traid used excellent teamwork, as they worked on Stevie Ray. Booker T. was tagged in and started to take Bigelow and Kanyon down with several different kicks, until Bigelow countered an axe kick. As The Triad continued with their advantage, Diamond Dallas Page ran-in, but was knocked out, as Booker finished off Bigelow with the Missle Dropkick.

• The Revolution (Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko, Shane Douglas) defeated The West Texas Rednecks (Curt Hennig, Barry Windham, Bobby Duncum, Jr., w/Kendall
Windham) with Saturn's Death Valley Driver. - Before the match, Perry Saturn said he, Dean Malenko, and Shane Douglas didn't care about The West Texas Rednecks or Chad Brock. He told someone to step in the ring first, which led to everyone battling it out to kick off the match. As it went on, Shane Douglas tried to execute the Pittsburgh Plunge at one point, but Curt Hennig made the save. There were several nearfalls, as members of both teams continued to interfere and make the saves. As the match continued, Dean Malenko set up Barry Windham for the Texas Cloverleaf. Kendall Windham attempted to interfere with the cowbell, but Douglas took care of him. Saturn then nailed Bobby Duncum, Jr. with the Death Valley Driver for the win.

• Buff Bagwell defeated Ernest Miller (w/Sonny Onoo) via Pinfall.
- The crowd reved up their motorcycle engines and chanted, "Asshole." Ernest Miller said he wanted the crowd to shut their minibikes up, or he would whoop all of them. Miller dropped the microphone and gave up. Buff Bagwell then took the microphone to no crowd noise. Miller took the microphone, as the crowd immediately reved up their engines. Bagwell said Miller was obviously not a crowd favorite and said to Miller, "Why don't you just kiss our ass?" The crowd then chanted, "Pussycat," as the match got underway. As it went on, Sonny Onoo tried to help Miller take the win by using his briefcase, but it backfired, as Miller went into it and Bagwell rolled up Miller for the win.

• No Disqualfiication Match: Chris Benoit defeated Diamond Dallas Page with the Diving Headbutt, to retain the United States Title.
- Diamond Dallas Page was able to get through his introduction, despite the crowd noise. He apologized to Chris Benoit for insulting his mother, but ended up insulting her again. He told Benoit to have the United States Title belt shined up and get it out there. As the back and forth match went on, Chris Benoit was tied up in the corner. Referee, Charles Robinson, who has been unbiased since Ric Flair hasn't been around, tried to intervene, but DDP slapped him away. DDP beat down Benoit with his belt and soon used it as a choking weapon. Benoit later came out of it and hit his combination of German Suplexes. He went for the Diving Headbutt, only to be knocked down by Kanyon. The Revoultion was shown in the backstage area, looking onto the match. Bam Bam Bigelow then interfered and nailed Benoit with a 350 from the top, but Benoit kicked out when a pin was being made. Without any help from The Revolution, Benoit finished off DDP with the Diving Headbutt for the win. Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko, and Shane Douglas then made their ways in to celebrate with Benoit.

• Sid Vicious defeated Sting with a Chokeslam.
- Sting and Sid Vicious first battled it out on the outside of the ring. In the ring, Sid Vicious dominated and was onto basically every maneuver Sting executed. Sid later went for a top rope maneuver, but Sting countered with a superplex. Sting then executed two Stinger Splashes, but on the third one, Sid countered with a Chokeslam for the win.

• Goldberg defeated Rick Steiner with the Jackhammer.
- Rick Steiner's Television Title was not on the line. The crowd immediately chanted, "Goldberg." In the beginning of the match, Steiner removed Goldberg's kneebrace and used it as a weapon. Goldberg was soon on top of the match, however, as he hit the spear. As the crowd's motorcyles engines reved up, Goldberg hit the Jackhammer for the win.

• Randy Savage defeated Dennis Rodman via Pinfall.
- Gorgeous George wasn't at ringside. Before the match, Dennis Rodman said Randy Savage brought his ass to Sturgis, South Dakota and wanted to kick it, but all he (Rodman) wanted to know was where his bitch was. Savage said, "Tonight, you're my bitch." Rodamn said he would do his sh-- outside, but ended up using the microphone in the beginning to his advantage. He then threw Savage into the ringpost and continued to dominate. Rodman started to argue with referee Billy Silverman over a "slow" count, so Rodman elbowed him. Another referee made his way down, at which point Savage was on the offensive. Savage later decked WCW Magazine's Ross Forman and took his camera to use as a weapon. Savage then knocked out referee, Mickey Jay. Referee, Scott Dickinson then came in, and he was immediately taken down. Rodman and Savage battled it to the back, as referee Johnny Boone called the action. Savage put Rodman in a porta-potty and tipped it over. Rodman didn't look so good when he came out. Boone was taken out after Rodman nailed him with a top rope clothesline. George made her way down, as Rodman had Savage in a sleeper hold. Savage dropped down with a jawbreaker to get out of the hold. George pulled out a chain and handed it to Savage, as referee Nick Patrick made his way in. George low-blowed Rodman and Savage nailed him with his first, which was wrapped with a chain, for the win.

• Career vs. Career: Hulk Hogan defeated Kevin Nash with the Big Leg Drop, to retain the Heavyweight Title.
- The crowd chanted, "Hogan," as he and Kevin Nash stared off. There was a test of strength in the beginning by both men, with Nash coming out on top. Nash slowly wore down Hulk Hogan. At one point, Nash used Hogan's boot to the face maneuver, as he dominated. Nash then executed the Jack-Knife Powerbomb, but Hogan surprisingly kicked out at the last-second. Nash then took some shots at Hogan, who was on his knees, but as Hogan has always done, he started to shake his head and "hulk-up." Hogan then quickly knocked Nash down and executed the Big Leg Drop for the win. Nash's career was history (but we have all heard the scenario that Nash takes the time off that he has requested and soon return to WCW as an "outsider" with Scott Hall, but we'll see what Hogan decides on with his knee injury).

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