Full Raw is War Results

Full Results of WWF Raw from Atlanta, GA.

Vince McMahon came out and introduced Steve Austin. Austin came to the ring with a few words of the events that have been happening over the weeks with Triple H's attuide. Then Austin said that he was tired of waiting for "No Mercy" and called out the WWF Champ. Triple H came out and talked junk to Austin, then went up to Jim Ross and smacked Ross up a little. Ross gets pissed and attacks Triple H with a fan. Chyna came down, but Austin interupted the whole mess. Triple H & Chyna then challenged Austin & Jim Ross to a tag match.

-Mr. Ass (with the Road Dogg) vs. Crash Holly (with Hardcore Holly)
Winner: The Road Dogg and Mr. Ass came out to the ring. This will be a singles match between Mr. Ass and Crash Holly. The match started off and ended it quick with the Famasser. But the Holly's got mad and attacked Road Dogg and Mr. Ass with the weighing scale.

-Ivory vs. Mae Young.
Winner: May Yound via dq. Ivory said that this will be a demstartion of what will happen at "No Mercy." The match didn't last very long until Ivory hit Mea Young with the WWF Women's Belt. Then out came the faboulas Mula to the aid of Mea Young. But Ivory ran off after a beating from Mula.

Actually a video clip of Shane & Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie talked about how she was dealing with what happened to her at Rebellion. She said that she wasn't getting married tonight.

-Terri Runnels Invitational. Edge & Christian vs. The New Brood(Hardy Boys)
Winner: No winner, a double dq. A fast-paced match with a lot of double-teaming. Jeff Hardy hit a springboard and almost got the win with a 2-count. All four competitors fight outside the ring, then the ref calls for the bell and the match ended.

-The Rock pulls up to the Georgiadome in a limo.
The Rock calls the British Bulldog nothing, a Jabroni, etc. Mankind confronts The Rock and they almost get into a fight, but Vince McMahon breaks it up and announces that The Rock & Mankind would fight Val Venis & The British Bulldog later tonight.

-X-Pac vs. Farooq (with Bradshaw)
Winner:X-Pac via pinfall. X-Pac lands some pretty stiff kicks right off the bat, but Farooq takes control and knocks X-Pac around for a while. Farooq hits the spinebuster and almost gets the win. X-Pac fights back & hits the Bronco Buster. Bradshaw distracts X-Pac & Farooq is destracted. X-Pac hits the X-Factor for the win. Kane came out and helped X-Pac after X-Pac told him not to come down. X-Pac gets mad.

-Chris Jericho & Curtis Hughes vs. The Headbangers
Winner: The Headbangers Jericho did the usual Jericho-quality match. All-class. Mosh & Thrasher had a little pony-tail on the top of their head(like Jericho) to make Jericho mad. Jericho nails Curtis Hughes & leaves. The headbangers preform the Stagedive and they got the 1... 2... 3 & the win.

-The Godfather vs. Marc Henry in a Ho-Jack match.
Winner:The Godfather via pinfall. There must be 30 ho's at ringside for this "Ho-Jack match." Marc Henry got distracted and The Godfather hit the Ho-Train and got the pinfall.

-The Big Show vs. The Bossman
Winner: The Big Show via dq. A short match. Bossman hit the Big Show with the nightstick and he got disqualified. Al Snow came out and helped the Big Show, but Bossman beat up Al Snow with the nightstick.

-Triple H & Chyna vs. Steve Austin & Jim Ross
Winner: No winner. Triple H beat up on Jim Ross before the match started. Austin then came out and started beating away at Triple H. Chyna beats on J.R. Austin & Triple H fight in the ring & then back outside the ring & into the crowd. They go way back into the backstage area as Chyna knocks the living crap out of J.R. Chyna petigree's J.R & then Jeff Jarret interfers & hits Chyna with a toaster. Miss Kitty comes out & brings a big big laundry bin & stuffs Chyna in the bin. Jarret wheels Chyna up the ramp & back into the backstage area. Austin & Triple H fight all over the food area & trash beer stands, food stands, etc. Austin leaves Triple H on top of a food stand full of ice & tells Triple H that he has a friend that he wants him to meet.

-Jarret rolls the laundry bin (with Chyna in it) off an elevated walkway backstage and the bin must've fell 5 to 10 feet to the concrete floor.

The British Bulldog & Val Venis vs. The Rock & Mankind
Winner: The Rock & Mankind. Mankind brings a pan full of bulldog crap to the ringside area before the match started. Mankind takes control during the match and then he pulls out Mr. Rocko, but Val beats up on Mankind & The Bulldog beats up on The Rock. The Rock brings the tray of bulldog crap into the ring and gives the Bulldog the Rock Bottom on the pan of bulldog crap. Then the show goes off the air.

Please credit Abbott & Extreme Foley when using this information

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