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ECW Anarchy Rulz Results

Live From : Odeum Theatre in Chicago, IL
September 19th, 1999

Before the show they announce the ban has been lifted on Sabu. Anarchy Rulz is live from the Odeum Theatre in Chicago, IL!

Joey Styles welcomes everyone to Anarchy Rulz. Cyrus The Virus gets the crowd rowd up. He gets heat from the crowd. Joey Styles starts off the show "Tonight Anarchy Rulz!"

Lance Storm w/ Dawn Marrie vs. Jerry Lynn
Marrie walks out from the entrance and the crowd goes crazy! Lance Storm will open up tonight's PPV. Joey announces this is the largest crowd in ECW PPV history. Styles also states Lynn should not be wrestling because of his injury. Jerry Lynn is announced as the new FN Show. Storm starts it off with a waist lock, Lynn rolls through and they reverse each other back in forth. Lynn hits the tilt the world head scissiors. Jerry Lynn slaps Lance with chest chops. Lynn ducks the clothesline and drop kicks Storm. Lance goes to work now. Lance cathes Lynn in the ribs with a hot shot. Standing drop kick now by Lance Storm. Storm is really showing his talent this match. Cyrus says "Lance is Canada's greatest athlete." Lance with a low blow now! Both men are getting tired. Series of right hands by Storm now. Jerry goes up top and nails Storm on the outside! Missle drop kick from Lynn. Lance lands a jaw breaker on Lynn. Storm reverses the pile driver and almost gets the pin. They go back and forth now. Must be 8 - 12 attemped pinfalls. The fans are on their feet. Lance Storm hits an inverted DDT on Lynn. Storm is thrown into a steel chair and is almost pinned with the Sun Set Flip. DDT on the chair by Lynn. That shouldn't of been it, but Storm kicked out. Jerry Lynn now chopping away on Lance Storm. Lance throws Jerry into the ring post. Joey announces Jerry has been wrestling with bruised ribs. Back-Breaker by Lance Storm. Lynn fights back and gives him a jaw breaker (stunner). Lynn again fights back with a top rope hunancanruna. Lance Storm reverses Lynn and gets the pin.
Winner : Lance Storm

Simon Diamond and DeVito vs. Nova and Chetti
Simon gets on the microphone and tells the fans he does not suck, they reply back "You Suck ----." He says he needs a tag team partner. Jazz makes her way down to the ring. Simon says all women are just T & A.
The match starts, Jazz is fighting DeVito. Chetti and Nova now come down to the ring and attack Simon. RoadKill and Danny During now come out and attack Simon and DeVito. New Jack's music plays! The crowd goes crazy. He makes his to the ring with a barrel of weapons. New Jack is incharge now, smashing the teams with anything and everything! Rod Price is busted open and New Jack has cleared the ring.
This match ends with no winner!

Little Guedo vs. Super Crazy vs. Y. Tajiri
Big Sal E and Little Guedo make their way to the ring. Followed by Super Crazy and Tajirri. The fans chant the phrase "Where's My Pizza?" to heckle the FBI. Chest chops by Guedo now. Tajiri drop kicks Guedo and Super Crazy at the same time. Super Crazy holds Guedo in the camel clutch. Tajiri elbows Guedo while he is in the hold. They are taking it outside the ring now. Moonsault off the ropes by Tajiri and he hits both men on the other side of the guardrails. Guedo retreats to the outside but gets kicked right in the mouth. This match has turned into a street fight. Super Crazy hits a top rope moonsault througha table! Tajiri puts the rope susmission move on Super Crazy. Guedo nails him with both feet. Super Crazy with surfboard on Tajiri. Guedo is eliminated when Super Crazy hits a moonsault off the top rope and covers for the pin. Tajiri is fighting Crazy now, they are going back and forth. Super Crazy ties Tajiri up in the ropes and pounds him with punches. Tajiri fights to get back up to his feet. Tajiri lands a DDT on Crazy. But Crazy fought back with a Tornado DDT. Brain buster by Tajiri. He covers him for the pin.
Winner: Y. Tajiri

Justin Credible vs. SABU
Jim Muleno reads that there is a restraining order against Sabu fighting in the ring, even entering the bulding. But he says this is ECW Anarchy Rulz! Justin Credible will wrestle Sabu Tonight! Sabu clears the ring and goes to work right away on Justin. They take it to the outside now, Sabu goes face first onto the table. Sabu set up the table and he may be the one going through it. Credible drives Sabu through a table off the top rope! Cover by Justin, only 2 count. Credible is thrown to the outside and takes a baseball slide over the guard rail. Summersault plancha by Sabu which nails Credible outside the ring! Legdrop executed by Sabu now. followed by a chairshot. Sabu drives Credible through a table while Justin was on his stomach. Credible is cut right above the eye. Bill Alfonso is annoying Justin now. The fans are chanting Sabu's name now. Sabu now dropkicks the leg of Justin, Jason enters the ring and he takes a leg drop as well. Both men bleeding, both men sweating, both men giving it everything they got. DDT executed by Sabu on Justin. Justin splatters Sabu with the cane and nearly snaps it. Now a jaw breaker by Justin, followed by a flying bulldog through the table! Triple jump leg drop across the chest of Justin. Justin trys for thats incredible on the steel chair, he executes it perfectly! He covers Sabu.
Winner : Justin Credible

Taz vs. Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome
This is match is for the World Heavyweight Title. Taz gets heat from the fans saying "you sold-out!" Taz insults Awesome cussing at him. Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring. Taz tells Heyman to let the big goof (Mike Awesome) go so he can tap him out. Heyman asks Taz if he wants to fight 2 men. Taz replies yes! Heyman makes this match a 3 way dance! German Taz plex on Mike Awesome now. Tanaka and Awesome team up on Taz. But Taz hits Masato with an overhead Taz plex. Awesome climbs the rope but gets suplexed off the top rope by Taz. Tanaka hits the roaring elbow on Taz and pins him! Taz has been eliminated! The crowd chants "---- you Taz!" Its Masato vs. Awesome now! Chairshot by Masato Tanaka flattens Awesome. Tornado DDT executed by Tanaka on the entrance ramp. Tanaka is in control of this match up! Masato covers Awesome but he gets the shoulder up. Awesome throws Masato out of the ring and through a table! Awesome trying to bring him in the ring. Fans are chanting "Awesome!" The entire locker room is looking on. Tanaka kicks out of Awesome's frog splash. Masato taking multiple chair shots. Tanaka stands back up. Awesome climbs the turnbuckle with a chair and slams Tanaka. 300 pounds off the top rope with a chair! Awesome gets up on the turnbuckle. Tanaka stands up and Awesome plows Tanaka threw the table with a powerbomb! And he covers Tanaka!
Winner: NEW ECW CHAMPION - Mike Awesome!

Dreamer & Raven vs. Steve Corino & Jack Victory
Before the match Tommy announces he was at the Cubs games over the weekend. He is sick of doctors telling him what to do. Steve Corino comes to the ring. They brawl in the ring. Raven enters the ring and cleans house. Jack Victory comes out now. He cleans up a little bit. But Raven and Dreamer hit Double DDTs. And cover them!
Winners: Tommy Dreamer and Raven

Axl Rotten Interview
He makes his way to the ring, and asks the fans if they know why ECW is the number 1. They respond yes. Axl Rotten calls out Mike Awesome, he says he is first inline for a title shot. Storm comes out with Credible and says they are already 2 for 2 and they will be 3 for 3. Axl Rotten attacks the impact players. Balls Mahoney and Spike come out to the ring and help battle the Impact Players.

RVD vs. Balls Mahoney
Rob Van Dam makes his way to the ring with the TV Title. He is set to do battle with Balls with the TV Title on the line. Match starts off with technical moves, going back and forth. They do battle on the outside now and get the fans into this match. RVD throws Balls head first into the ring post. Mahoney now finds himself in row 2 or 3. Balls slams a chair off the skull of Van Dam. Balls nails Van Dam with a spinning heel kick. Balls waisting time posing for the crowd. He now goes to work on RVD. RVD reverses the situation, and slams him with a Vandaminater. Balls looks to be busted open! RVD with a summersault into the crowd crushes Balls. Mahoney gets back into the match up, but RVD quickly changes that with a boot to the head. New Jersey Jam by Balls, RVD kicks out! Ball breaker on Van Dam. RVD not moving. Frog Splash by Balls. Suplex off the top rope by RVD. RVD drives the chair into the side of the head of Balls. Van Dam giving the crowd thier moneys worth. Balls plants Van Dam onto a chair, cover by Balls, and a kick out! Balls is man handeling RVD tonight. Balls flatens RVD with the chair. Van Dam looks to be out. Alphonso getting into the match. Vandaminater by RVD off the top rope. Balls kicks out off the cover. Frog Splash by RVD

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