An Update on the Condition of Darren Drozdov

The show starts with clips of last Wednesday's Thunder.

We then see a bus pull up with the Millionaire's Club in it, as the New Blood watches on a monitor.

More clips of events leading into Slamboree are shown.

Match 1: Chris Candido vs. The Artist, Cruiserweight Title
-Tammy came out with Candido and got on the mic and then took her robe off and revealed a silver dress. She then started dancing.

-Candido and The Artist locked up and The Arist took Candido down with a shoulder block. The Artist German Suplexed Candido but couldn't pin him.

-The Artist put Candido in the corner and began punching him in the head. He then sent Candido to the outside. Candido whipped The Artist into the guard rail. Candido then got on the top and jumped down onto The Artist. Candido sent The Artist face first into the entrance ramp, then tried to piledrive him on a chair, but got back body dropped.

-Back in the ring, The Artist executed a Frankensteiner, and then nailed Candido with a series of right hands. Candido then sent The Artist to the outside, where Paisley attended to him. The Artist then suplexed Candido over the top rope.

-Candido got back in and got taken down again, but he nailed The Artist low. The Artist powerbombed Candido and went for his DDT off the top, but Candido caught him and put him on the top. Candido went for a Frankensteiner, but The Artist hooked the ropes. The artist back body dropped Candido, but Candido took over and body slammed The Artist.

-The Artist executed a Samoan Drop from the middle rope. Tammy tried to distract the referee, but Paisley attacked her. Tammy then picked up a chair and hit The Artist. Candido went for the pin, but The Artist kicked out. Candido nailed The Artist with a piledriver, then dropped a flying head butt on him, and Candido got the pin. After the match, The Artist and Paisley stripped Tammy down to her underwear.
-Winner: Chris Candido.

Match 2: Terry Funk vs. Norman Smiley, Hardcore Title
-Terry Funk was looking for Norman Smiley, but couldn't find him. Smiley came from behind with a fire extinguisher and began hitting Funk with various weapons as his mystery partner helped out.

-Norman hit Funk in the head with a chair and hit him with tables and garbage cans. Funk then sent Norman into Gene Okerlund's interview set. The mystery man started throwing empty cardboard boxes at Funk, but Funk threw chairs at him.

-Funk hit Smiley with a chair as the mystery partner continued to do nothing. The mystery partner then decided to hit Funk with a garbage can. It had no effect, and Funk then hit Smiley with a laptop.

-Funk brought the mystery partner into the arena and referee Nick Patrick gave Funk a chair to hit him with. Funk pulled the mask off the partner, and it was Ralphus, Christ Jericho's old manager. Funk pulled the pants of Ralphus down and we were forced to see his ass.

-Smiley came back into the picture and hit Funk with a ladder a few times. Smiley hit Funk with the chair and did the Big Wiggle on him. Ralphus then did the Big Wiggle on Funk, but he got hit with a chair, and Smiley got hit with it next. Funk rolled up Smiley and got the pin.
-Winner: Terry Funk.

Match 3: Curt Hennig vs. Shawn Stasiak
-Hennig had control early, as he sent Stasiak to the outside. Stasiak got back in and put Hennig in a head lock. Stasiak cross body blocked Hennig and got a 2-count. Stasiak sunset flipped Hennig for a count of two.

-Hennig opened up with right hands on Stasiak. They showed a show of the Misfits in Action in the front row. Stasiak choked Hennig with a cable on the outside and sent him back in the ring. Stasiak clotheslined Hennig off the top rope.

-Stasiak sent Hennig to the outside. Hennig tried to body slam him, but hurt his back and Stasiak sent him back in and put him in a sleeper hold. Hennig broke up the sleeper with elbows, but Stasiak took Hennig down by his hair and went to the top rope. Stasiak tried to cross body Hennig off the top, but Hennig stepped away and began chopping Stasiak.

-Hennig back body dropped Hennig and nailed him with a forearm. Hennig then opened up with right hands in the corner, but Stasiak sling shotted him into the turnbuckle, and executed the Perfect Plex for the win.
-Winner: Shawn Stasiak.

The New Blood is shown celebrating Stasiak's win, and Vince Russo told Scott Steiner to make it two in a row.

Match 4: Scott Steiner vs. Hugh Morrus, US Title
-Hugh Morrus got on the mic and said he wanted to be addressed by his real name, Hugh G. Rection. Scott Steiner then came out with his girls.

-Steiner and Morrus locked up in the middle of the ring and Steiner began laying into Morrus with punches and kicks. Morrus came back with elbows and Steiner retreated to the outside.

-Steiner's girls got on the ring apron and distracted Steiner. Steiner attacked him from behind, but then took an inverted atomic drop. Morrus dropped an elbow on Steiner from the top.

-Morrus went for his moonsault, but got crotched by the girls. Steiner choked Morrus in the Tree of Woe, and then dropped an elbow on him. Steiner then suplexed Morrus. He then used his belly-to-belly suplex, but couldn't pin Morrus. Steiner then chased the referee around.

-Steiner put Morrus in a bear hug. Steiner did an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, then argued with a fan. Steiner got back in and took a boot from Morrus. Morrus began running into Steiner in the corner. He did that twice, went for it a third time, but got clotheslined. Morrus took Steiner down with a tombstone, went for his moonsault, missed, got put in the Steiner Recliner, and gave it up.

-The Misfits in Action tried to help Morrus, but security wouldn't let them. Booker T came down and helped Morrus by kicking Steiner to the outside.
-Winner: Scott Steiner.

Kanyon was intervied by Okerlund.

Match 5: Kanyon vs. Mike Awesome
-Kanyon took control early with a clothesline and drove shoulders into the gut of Awesome. Awesome sent Kanyon to the outside and executed a suicide dive before sending Kanyon into the guard rail and ring steps. Kanyon sent Awesome into the ring and began punching him.

-Back in the ring, Kanyon baseball slide dropkicked Awesome chest first into the ring post. Kanyon sent Awesome back to the outside, but Awesome pulled Kanyon's throat down on the top rope. Awesome then came off the top with a big clothesline and sent Kanyone back outside.

-Awesome hit Kanyon repeatedly with a chair and drove his face into the announce table. They went into the crowd, where Awesome body slammed Kanyon on the concrete and sent back over the guard rail toward the ring. Awesome choked Kanyon with a table and sent him back in the ring.

-Awesome flew over the top and splashed Kanyon, but couldn't pin him. Kanyon tried to pin Awesome with a sunset flip, but Awesome kicked out and clotheslined Kanyon down hard. He sent Kanyon back to the outside and beat him with a chair. Awesome got on the rop rope with the chair while Kanyon was on the outside, but Kanyon crotched him and executed a reverse Diamond Cutter of the top.

-Kanyon cross body blocked Awesome, but Awesome rolled the pin over and got a long 2-count. Awesome took Kanyon down hard with a version of the powerbomb and then clotheslined. Awesome then Awesome Bombed Kanyon on his neck and lifted up the ringside mats. Awesome was on the ring apron, Kanyon charged him, but Awesome flew at him with a shoulder block.

-Awesome tried to Awesome Bomb Kanyon over the top onto the contrete, but Kanyon stopped it and took a German Suplex instead. Both men were on the entrance ramp as Kevin Nash made his way down and started beating on Awesome. The whole New Blood attacked Nash, but then Ric Flair and Sting came out to help. Security came in and got taken out.
Result: No-contest.

Vince Russo was shown in the back with Liz. Russo told her to change her clothes.

Match 6: Buff Bagwell vs. The Total Package
-Bagwell and Luger had their usual pose down, and then they locked up in the corner. Bagwell took Luger down with right hands and sent him head first into the turnbuckle. Bagwell then took Luger down with a back elbow and posed some more.

-Luger took Bagwell down with a vertical suplex and inverted atomic dropped him. Luger punched Bagwell in the corner and hit him with his forearm. Luger sent Bagwell to the outside and sent him into the guard rail, and then bac in the ring.

-Bagwell picked up Luger and dropped him throat first across the top. Bagwell then put Luger in a reverse chin lock. Luger got up, but both men went down after a double-clothesline. Bagwell got up first and body slammed Luger. Bagwell then splashed Luger and put him in a version of the Camel Clutch. Luger drove his knees into the balls of Bagwell.

-Russo was shown telling Liz that she had to see this, put she hit him with the bat and came down to the ring with the bat. Liz tried to hit Buff with the bat, but he took it and hit Luger with it. Bagwell went to the top for the Blockbuster, but Liz hit him with the bat and Luger Racked him for the win.

-The WCW Power Plant's Chuck Palumbo came out and attacked Luger with Bagwell. Palumbo then Racked Luger as Buff left with Liz..
-Winner: The Total Package.

Shane Douglas was interviewed by Okerlund.

Match 7: Shane Douglas vs. Ric Flair
-Flair told Douglas he was going to kick his ECW ass.

-Flair had Shane in a hammer lock, but Shane nailed him with a hard elbow and back body dropped him seconds later. Shane then punched Flair in the corner, but Flair came back with the chops. Flair went to the top and slammed off for the 2,954th time.

-Shane put Flair in the Figure 4 Leg Lock. Shane released the hold and kicked Flair in the leg. Shane then gave Flair a low head butt. Flair then nailed Shane in the balls, sending him to the outside. Flair sent Shane into the guard rail and put him on the announce table, where he punched him repeatedly.

-Back in the ring, Shane suplex-slammed Flair and pulled out a chain. Shane then hit Flair with the chain and executed the Chris Benoit-like rolling snap suplexes. He snap suplexed him twice, and the third one was a standing vertical suplex. Flair chopped away at Shane and took him down with a right hand.

-They exchanged more chopse and right hands. Flair then dropped a knee in the balls of The Franchise, and then kicked him hard between the legs. Flair went after the leg of Shane Douglas. He put him in the Figure 4, Buff Bagwell came out, and someone in a Sting mask came out and hit Flair with the bat. Shane got the pin.

-After the pin Shane and Buff attacked Flair. Flair thought the person in the mask was Russo. He told him to come back to the ring. The Total Package brought him to the ring as the real Vince Russo made his way down. The guy in the mask hit Flair with something and revealed himself to be Ric Flair's son, David.

-Kevin Nash made his way to the ring and took out David. Russo had the bat, tried to hit Nash, but Nash went for the Jacknife Powerbomb. Daffney came out and hit Nash in the nuts as Russo hit him with the bat.
-Winner: Shane Douglas.

-Vampiro brought a pipe to the ring with him. Sting brought a bat.

-The match started on the entrance ramp as the two brawled. Vampiro was on the floor and Sting came off the top on him with a cross body. Sting then put Vampiro face first into the announce table and DDTed him on the floor. Sting sent Vampiro back in.

-Sting took a low shot from Vampiro and a very hard chop that took him down. Vampiro clotheslined Sting from the top and brought his pipe in and hit Sting in the chest with it. He then hit him in the back with it, gave him a head butt, and dropped a low knee. Vampiro hit Sting with the pipe again.

-They went back to the outside. Vampiro sent Sting face first into the entrance ramp and took him down with a spin kick. Vampiro then sent Sting back in and hit him in the back of the head with the pipe. Vampiro appeared to be going for a Franksteiner from the top, but Sting hit him low and powerbombed him.

-Sting then beat on Vampiro with the pipe and Stinger Splashed him. Sting then executed a pair of Scorpion Death Drops and got the win. Sting began walking away, but then he came back and hit Vampiro with the pipe again.
-Winner: Sting.

David Arquette and Diamond Dallas Page were interviewed by Mike Tenay.

Kevin Nash was shown looking for someone.

Eric Bischoff and Kidman were interviewed by Tenay.

Match 9: Hulk Hogan vs. Kidman
-Eric Bischoff was the special referee, Torrie Wilson was with Kidman, Kimberly was with Bischoff and Horace was with Hogan. Bischoff sent Horace to the back.

-Kidman wouldn't get in the ring with Hogan, so Hogan went to the outside and chased him. Kidman got in the ring, and Hogan followed, but Kidman kicked and punched him. Moments later, Hogan picked Kidman up by the throat and crotched him on the top rope. Hogan then clotheslined Kidman off the top to the floor.

-Hogan sent Kidman back in and dropped him ribs first on a chair. Hogan took a boot from Kidman. Kidman then Frankensteinered and dropkicked Hogan to the outside. Hogan pulled Kidman to the outside and sent him into the guard rail. Hogan then whipped Kidman into the ring post. Kidman threw Torrie into Hogan, and then nailed him with a right hand.

-Kidman sent Hogan back in and started punching him. Hogan clotheslined Kidman and started whipping him with the weight belt. Bischoff took the belt away and Kidman hit Hogan from behind and whipped him with the belt. Hogan hip tossed Kidman over the top rope to the floor and sent him into the guard rail. Hogan sent Kidman back in and went for the cover, but Bischoff wouldn't count.

-Hogan suplexed Kidman and went for the pin, but Bischoff still wouldn't count. Hogan went for his three elbow drops and missed all of them as usual. Kidman then stomped away at Hogan, but Hogan sent him back to the outside. Hogan sent Kidman face first into the announce table and face first into the ring. Hogan was in the ring while Kidman was on the ring apron. Kidman pulled Hogan down throat first across the top.

-Kidman started to beat on Hogan, but Hogan Hulked Up and hit Kidman with the Big Boot. He went for the Big Leg, but Bischoff stopped him. Hogan hit Bischoff and dropped the Big Leg on Kidman. Bischoff brought in a chair, but Hogan hit him with it. Hogan put two tables in the ring. He set one up against the ropes and put the other in its proper position.

-Hogan was about to powerbomb Bischoff through the table, but Kidman hit him with the chair and went for the pin, but Bischoff couldn't count quickly enough to give Kidman the win. Bischoff held Hogan for Kidman to hit him with the chair, but Hogan kicked Kidman and low blowed Bischoff. Hogan then powerbombed Bischoff through the table and put another one in the ring.

-Kidman then hit Hogan in the balls and then with the chair. Kidman set up a table and put Hogan on it. Kidman went to the top, tried to splash Hogan, but Hogan moved. Hogan pinned Bischoff, Horace came in and made Bischoff make the count.
-Winner: Hulk Hogan.

Vince Russo was shown trying to get away from Kevin Nash. He stole someone's car and drove off.

Match 10: DDP vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. David Arquette

Spot lights circle the three cages just before the wrestlers come to the ring. Jeff Jarrett was first to arrive, and surprisingly without a guitar. David Arquette was next in an elaberate Elvis outfit. DDP was the final wrestler to enter with extra padded elbow pads. DDP opened the match by tossing Jarrett's body off the chain fence. Page attempted to slide a ladder into the ring and had it kicked right back at him. Page tried to smash Jarrett's mid section into the poll but Jarrett kicked him in the head. Arquette has been silent in this match so far. DDP climbed back into the ring and set up several ladders before going back outside. DDP entered back in with Jarrett and DDP powerbombed jarrett off the ladder. Jarrett and DDP take turns tossing each other into the steel ladder. Jarrett crushed DDP with not one, but two ladders and tried to reach the second cage.
Both man battled on top of the ladder and DDP managed to reach the second cage. Jarrett soon reached him and dominated DDP inside Hardcore Hell. Jarrett is pulled down as he tried to reach the third cage. David Arquette is totally out of this match. DDP leg sweeped Jarrett through the side of the cage! DDP set up a table on the 2nd level and drilled "The Chosen One" right through it. Jarrett was first on his feet nd tried to climb the third level again. Page assaulted him with a chair before he got any further. Jarrett regained control and nearly tosssed DDP off the cage. Arquette climbed to the third level and Mike Awesome has come out to beat Jarrett and DDP. Arquette is on top of the third level and Jarrett and DDP race to the top. Jarrett climbed up there first and missed DDP with a guitar shot. Arquette stood up top "holding down the fort". David held a guitar in hand and Jarrett stole it and nailed DDP. Jarrett reached the top and took the title!
Winner: Jeff Jarrett

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