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About us

    Welcome to Maroon West Enterprise where you can buy stamp!

Collecting postage stamps is a hobby that is treasured for many reasons, its historical significance, their beauty and intrinsic value. There is probably no other hobby that can take you to so many parts of the world like stamp collecting.

Millions upon millions of people collect stamps from all walks of life. Stamp collecting can also be quite a financial investment, not everyone, not everyone can see this web site and buy them.

We at MAROON WEST ENTERPRISE stamp offer an alternative. We offer new kind of postage stamp from Malaysia. Our stamp is print by quality paper with SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated and with Lithography printing. You will be amazed. 

Now we offer few kind of Malaysia Postage stamp ,in the future we will added more kind of postage stamp and other services. So visit us often.

 How to purchase

     USD 5.00 per stamp     RM7.00 per stamp

     USD 7.00 per stamp     RM8.00 per stamp

       USD 9.00 per stamp     RM9.00 per stamp



* Please send your Money Order, Post Order or Cek to this address NO 28-B, Kampong Enam ,Bachang ,75250, Melaka. Don't forget write this name Yong Chon Pin and Don't send CASH.


© 2005 MAROON WEST ENTERPRISE MALAYSIA. All rights reserved.