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The Duke of Wellingtons


Showing me in the cub scouts right through to the regular army

I am the small one BTW  

        Front row 2nd right

Playing games. I'm the little one top left 

The camp.

I have been left to do the washing up.   

As you can see I'm shy LOL


I was in the cubs for about 2 years Then moved up into the scouts But round about this time I started to go to the dance halls growing up a bit too fast So I pack the scouts in, at the age of about 12 or 13 years old

Also the church I used to go to Glasshoughton St Paul The Apostle.

The Cubs & Scouts were held in another building at the back of this church Which is no longer there now. Earlier in my life the same building was used as an extra classroom for Glasshoughton mix infants school which I attended.

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