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Don't Steal Anything On This Site As Stealing Is Really Cheap And A Dirty Trick So If You Want Anything Then Just Contact Me. If You Are Easily Affended Then Don't Read Any Of The Following Text As I Can't Gurantee That There Won't Be Any Strong Language Or Violence. All Feedback Is Welcome So If You Have Something To Say, Give A Yell- Joe Hughes
--End Disclaimer--

People Defeated


Role-Play Number: #4
People Used:
Jeff Jarrett
Next Match: Jeff Jarrett vs "DDP" Diamond Dallas Page
Record: 1/0/0

Titles Held/ Major Achievements

Coming Soon...

The Chosen One

:-Forword-: Now that Insurrextion has been set back until Sunday, it gives all the superstars a little bit more time to spend in the United Kingdom and more time to get ready and prepare for their matches. Most of the WME Staff and Superstars are in the UK nice and early and are preparing for their matches on Sunday. Earlier today, Jeff Jarrett was in Birmingham's Town Centre, signing autographs for WME Fans inside the Pavilions Shopping Centre. Jeff picked up a warm reception and hundreds of fans flocked to see him as he sat outside HMV to sign posters and all sorts of WME Merchandise. :-End Forword-:

*****_---Earlier Today---_*****

:-Scene-: WrestleMania Entertainment cameras are just outside the big chain superstore, HMV, and the cameras focus on the length of the que which stretches far down the walkway as far as the eye can see. Then the camera tilts to one side where Jeff Jarrett is seen wearing a "Dont Piss Me Off" T-Shirt. Kids and adults a-like are getting signatures as the Insurrextion Promotion-Week is well under-way in Birmingham. A child walks over to the desk where Jeff Jarrett is sitting behind and Jarrett begins to sign the boy's shirt as he talks to him.

{-::-"Double J" Jeff Jarrett-::-} So who's your favourite superstar little boy?

{-::-"Little Boy"-::-} Errmm...Hogan!

{-::-"Double J" Jeff Jarrett-::-} ...Hogan huh? Well if i were you, i'd reconsider because 'ole Hulk Hogan won't be carrying that IC Title around with him for much longer.

:-Scene-: The kid walks away with a rather puzzled look on his face and he doesn't know what to say as he runs off towards his parents. Another boy then walks over towards Jeff, this one though is slightly older than the other and it appears as though he's 14-15 years old.

{-::-"Double J" Jeff Jarrett-::-} So what can i do for you?

{-::-"Older Boy"-::-} I was wondering if you could sign my Autograph Book.

:-Scene-: The boy hands Jeff a book and Jeff flicks through the pages, looking for a blank one when he stumbles across a familiar name. He stuides it and it is clearly Hulk Hogan's signature. Below the signing it says: "Hulk Hogan: The Best Intercontinental Champion Of All Time, Brother!" Jeff has a look of disgust on his face as he turns the page to a blank one, signs it and then passes the book back to the kid and he seems annoyed. Jeff then gets up out of his chair and walks away into the opposite direction of the huge que as a spokesman announces that there will be no more autograph signings...:-End Scene-:

:-Scene-: The scene then opens up inside the N.E.C Arena, Birmingham for a show that is part of WME's Tour of the United Kingdom. The cameras are outside and it is approximatly 6.45pm. It is just beginning to go dusk as darkness falls and the temperature begins to slowly drop. Many of the hundreds of fans have already arrived and are inside the arena, waiting for the show to begin but there are still a few late-comers who are acting fools infront of the cameras that are situated outside the arena. There is a flashing sign above the main entrance to the consession stands which says: "WME----SOLD OUT!!". As the few late arrivals make their way into the arena, the cameras switch to the main arena and at ringside, Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler are starting to take their seats behind the commentary table.

{-::-"JR" Jim Ross-::-} Can you hear me King?

{-::-Jerry "The King" Lawler-::-} Yeah i hear you...unfortunatly.

{-::-"JR" Jim Ross-::-} Ok, well King, we are just days away from Insurrextion which will be held here in the United Kingdom down in the Capital, London. I can't wait for the Pay-Per-View showcase of Insurrextion and King, how have you found the United Kingdom so far?

{-::-Jerry "The King" Lawler-::-} Yeah i It hasn't been as bad as i thought it would be. I haven't had the petrol taken out of my car yet and my clothes haven't been ripped off my back so i guess i'm a little bit lucky.

{-::-"JR" Jim Ross-::-} It's not that bad! Anyway, getting down to business...tonight. Many of the stars set to perform at Insurrextion will be here tonight in the NEC Arena and i for one, can't wait for Insurrextion but befo...

:-Scene-: JR is interrupted and the fans come to life as Jeff Jarrett's theme music begins playing. However, the capacity crowd boo as loud as they possibly can as "The Chosen One" steps out from behind the black curtain and onto the stage with his guitar in hand. He is noticably without his manager, Stacy Keibler, as he walks over to the far corner of the stage and raises his guitar in the air with his right arm and he lifts up his left arm and points upwards with his index finger. Jeff then walks over to the other corner of the stage and repeats this action as the fans boo even louder in that corner of the arena. Jeff doesn't seem to care about the boos as he makes his way back to the centre area of the stage and he then advances down the ramp, talking to himself and shouting at the fans as he does so. He climbs onto the ring apron, steps through the ropes and walks towards the ropes facing the main camera. He then stands on the bottom rope and puts his left foot on the second rope and holds his guitar into the air and fireworks light up the ring behind him. Jeff then rests his guitar up against the turnbuckle and takes a microphone from the ring announcer and then starts to speak.

{-::-"Double J" Jeff Jarrett-::-} All you people here i...(boos continue) Hey, shut up! All you people here in England disgust me! I get off the plane at Heathrow Airport and what do i see? Fat, jobless lowlifes walking up to me, asking for autographs and god knows what! And you know what...i've been here little over two days and already, i'm sick to death of it! But forget about it because i've had enough of you people so now it's time to talk about The Chosen One. On Sunday Night, i'm gonna have to step into the squared circle with one of the biggest pieces of trash that i have ever laid my eyes on. DDP, you go around talking about who need's DDP's help well let me tell you who needs help. It's you! DDP, it's a good job your here in the UK because now you can mingle with the rest of the stupid, ugly morons on this earth. DDP, your the guy that needs help more than anybody else on this planet. You got around and you make that stupid smile to everybody and you act like a down right idiot. Well to be fair stinks!

:-Scene-: The fans boo very loud again and Jeff paces up and down as he waits for them to be quiet again.

{-::-"Double J" Jeff Jarrett-::-} I don't like you and i certainly don't respect your sorry little ass and i'm gonna whipe that patheticlittle smile off your face at Insurrextion. Because the difference between you and me DDP is that you are not the greatest Intercontinental Champion that has ever walked on this planet. You are not The Chosen One and you never will be. Because Pageto put up a fight worth talking about. Second, you need to back up your words and it's true what they say. Actions speak louder than words and you'll find that out on Sunday. Just last week, i stated that in my first match under the management of Stacy, i would defeat Christian and Tajiri with ease. And low and behold, come Sunday Slam, i applied The Stroke to Tajiri and i walked out of the arena that night victorious.

{-::-Jerry "The King" Lawler-::-} That's true JR, he did lay the smack down on Tajiri.

{-::-"Double J" Jeff Jarrett-::-} But forgetting about DDP...i'd like to cast all your minds back to last Sunday Night when Kurt Angle, the undefeated Intercontinental Champion took on Hulk Hogan and Undertaker in a Triple Threat Match. And ever since i sat down and i watched that match, i realised what i wanted most. And that was to prove my critics wrong! Back in the WWF, i was the Intercontinental Champion. Some called me the Greatest Intercontinental Champion to ever grace the face of this earth. Some people disagreed with that statement but i proved to everybody, week-in week-out that i was undefeatable. So which ever way you see it, i'm The Chosen One and i am the Best Damn Intercontinental Champion of all time so Hulk Hogan. If you want to argue that statement then i suggest you show your face and you name the date and i'll be more than happy to prove to you and everybody else that i am The Chosen Champion! Choke On That Slapnuts!

:-Scene-: The fans start booing again as faint "asshole" chants start up in the distance. Jeff Jarrett's "Chosen One" theme starts playing again as Jeff grabs his guitar and begins to taunt the crowd. He continues to taunt them by shouting at them before climbing out of the ring and back towards the black curtain.

*****_---Commercial Break---_*****

:-Scene-: After the commercial break, the cameras are backstage as the fans in the main arena gaze up at the big titantron to see what is going down backstage. It shows Jeff Jarrett walking backstage, heading back towards his locker room. He walks up to a door with The Chosen One spraypainted over it in yellow spray pain. Jeff enters and he searches through his bag and it is obvious he is in search of something. He then pulls out his cellular phone and dials a number. He then puts the phone to his ear and speaks after a few seconds.

{-::-"Double J" Jeff Jarrett-::-} Hi Stacy. There's not a whole lot of point in you coming to Birmingham, i've said all i wanted to say in this pathetic little city so you might aswell stay in London. I'll be there later tomorrow so we can talk then about Insurrextion and other stuff ok...? See you there.

:-Scene-: Jeff Jarrett drops his phone just inside of his bag and he then takes a seat in his locker room as the cameras fade to black....