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The Cherokee Rose Band

The Band Members

My Favorite Web Sites

Photo albumn 1
Davy Jo Baum
Russell Howell
photo albumn 2
Sarah Jo Gray's Web site
Troy Cook Jr. Web site
Our Playing Dates

The Cherokee Rose Band Was Formed Back in 1998, After the disbanding of CrossCreek. We play country, texas swing, southern rock, oldies, and orignal tunes. Since 1998 we have gone through some pickers but faithful Davy Jo Baum has been with me along. I have put this page together because our friends and fans want to know what is happening with the band and where we are playing. Also I am embarking on going back into my music full time and promote my CD of orignal songs, so I am looking for a promoter and manager, I have had some promising news and it looks like we may be doing our first tour starting in Feb, of 2003. WE ARE STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION SO VISIT OFTEN TO SEE NEW PAGES AND PHOTOS AND SOME FACTS BEHIND THE SONGS I WRITE. TAKE CARE Jeff "cherokee" Knowlton.

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