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after class, met them up at tien mu july 10 2003

it started raining after a while

lol.. thats funny




wen, dk


tommy, wen


wen, peter


tommy.. playing around with his cam


hahaha =P two guys


dd, wen (dd finally came)


wen, danny =D


tommy, wen




dk, danny


wen, peter


does that taste "that" good mah tommy


thats full =S


peter, wen


eric, pter, wen


sigh, dk ah =S fire lah


the fire was coming out lol!


lol look at tommy


dd this time


dd engrossed with bbqing


hahah dk


dk, and wen (si xiao niao i was talking)


wen, tommy, dd


4 of us

some pics from tommy's cam







tommy, wen




peter, dk, eric


the guys


peter and tommy


peter, tommy, dd


tommy, dk


tommy, dk 2


tommy, dd




sigh... si xiao niao






hahha =P


last pic? maybe