Are you web-addicted?

Hey! This is fun! And all of us know one or two people on the web with more than three symptoms... ;-)

 Just for fun: Are you web-addicted? Here are some criteria to find out. If you match at least eight of the fifteen following scenarios, you are definitely a Web-addict.
  1. You go to the toilet in the middle of the night and on the way you check to see if you have any new emails.
  2. You spontaneously start complaining of your 28K8 modem and laugh histerically at people with 14.400 modem...
  3. You start using smiley facesJ in hand written documents (in worse cases, using things like ":-)" and you are seem with an 60 to 90 degree inclined face to the left side in normal conversation or reading...)
  4. You type "com" after each dot, and at the end of a (sorry).
  5. You don’t talk to your parents any longer because they don’t have an email address.
  6. You immediately want to click the "next page" button while reading the newspaper.
  7. You become depressed when the message "no new message" appears on your computer screen.
  8. All members of your family know at each moment your exact location.
  9. You don’t know the gender of your best friends.
  10. You say to a taxi driver to go at some address like
  11. Your computer is broken. You are in desesperation with abstinence symptoms... In frenzied state, you dial your ISP number, do imitation with your own voice of the sound your modem do while conecting with your ISP and... IT WORKS!!! 
  12. While going back to bed from the toillet, you check AGAIN if there is some new messages...
  13. You don't invicte your friends to your own wedding because you and your fiancee was in doubt if writte the invictation message using Visual Basic Script or Javascript...
  14. (For Asatruar Only) Your have only email-address members, your blots are only in html, and your philosophical most horrible question about universe's mistery is if worship Odin in Jpg or bmp...

15. You copy and paste this text and email it to your friends.

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