Wyld's story Corner

Bathtime for caitlin
by Wyld

for k
caitlin knelt while the sound of rushing water in the other room could be hear. it was time for her bath...whatever that meant. she cast her eyes down when her Master stepped back into the room. "strip," He simply said. Immediately she began removing her clothes; shoes, nevrous fingers fumbled then unfastened blouse buttons then the tab and zipper of her skirt. kneeling in only lingerie and stockings she continued, blushing, the latch to her bra unhooked, stockings carefully rolled down then off then finally her panties slipped off. feeling the thick carpet under her bare knees she kept her eyes fixed on the floor, awaiting her next instruction."come," was all He said. caitlin rose and followed quickly, stepping onto the cool tiles she looked around bewildered with the magnificently appointed bathroom then to her Master , scowling by the large bathtub. rushing over quickly she knelt on the plush mat in front of the filling tub. "Master.." she asked timidly." what is it, caitlin?" " its so beautiful, Master, and so big...one could get lost in here alone Master." " better to concern yourself with..other matters little one," He replied. "yes Master," she replied but had no idea of which matters He meant. the water taps were turned off and she breathed in deeply the steamy lavender scented air. "get in," He stated," its time for your bath." Carefully she clambered into the tub, gasping at the heat of the water, then settling in slowly. such heat could rob one of strength if in for too long. caitlin relaxed in the water whilst her Master gathered the final items needed for her bath, caitlin thought she heard the sound of things being set in water in the sink, but couldn't see. "sit up caitlin." caitlin sat up and saw her Master squirting a gel onto a washcolth that was then lathered and rubbed slowly across her shoulders. the lather felt velvety smooth and smelled of lavender the same as the bubbles clinging to her from when she sat up. caitlin simply closed her eyes and concentrated on the feel of the washcloth and scent of the lather, and her Master's cologne, a rich musk. the cloth slid lower down her back making caitlin lean foward and move onto her knees, still lower and she bent foward as the cloth was massaged across her small bottom. pressure underneath signaled caitlin to straighten and turn to face Him which gave acces to her neck then shoulders then her breasts were lathered. caitlin reveled in the swirl of sensations racing through her body as the cloth was slowly dragged down her tight belly then across her hips. "stand up," He ordered in a whisper. with a slight sway steadied with a hand on the wall she stood, promptly the cloth was moved down the front of her thighs then calves snagging the stubble there. heat of embarrassment stained her cheeks even though He had ordered her not to shave two days ago. "turn," he said and caitlin turned, grateful that He made no comment of the stubble or her embarrasment. a light tap to the insides of her knee signaled to stand with her legs apart. slowly He lathered her butt again and continued lower down the backs of her legs and back up the insides til He reached the juncture of legs and hips. caitlin stifled a gasp but failed to calm her body from stffening whe He pressed the cloth against her center and held it there for a moment til she whimpered. the cloth softly carresssed her sex as her Master rubbed back and forth then was taken away. she heard the sound a gel being squirted then felt her legs being lathered with shaving gel. with sure confident strokes the razor moved down caitlin's legs remvoing the stubble. "turn", caitlin turned. "sit," He said flatly. caitlin sat then watched in awe as the lather was smeared over her whole pubic area and again the sure confident strokes shaved the hair away til only a small heart-shaped patch remained. "back into the water," He said quietly. caitlin sat down and was rinsed of the suds covering her."lay back." he said, caitlin layed back over His arm, her hair soaking in the water as He slowly , firmly worked shampoo into her hair. strong fingers massaged her scalp much like stroking a cat making caitlin sigh with content before He rinsed her. conditioner followed, worked through thoroughly removing any and all tangles then was rinsed out as well. "sit," He ordered as He rose and crossed over to the counter. confused caitlin sat, the her mouth fell open as she saw Him take a bottle from the sink and attach a wand to it. she now realized that went her Master said "clean" He truly did mean clean, inside as well as outside. "lay back." caitlin lay back draped over his arm again and parted her legs when He nudged her knees. she closed her eyes and turned her head as the nozzle neared her intimate opening. her breath hitched as the tip pressed against then slipped into her and stop when deep inside. "i'll be clean...like new," she whispered to herself then moaned softly as He squeezed the soft bottle flooding her sex with the solution. caitlin arched her back as the solution squirted into her twice more flushing her insides, whimpering as the wand slowly pulled out of her and she was lifted up to a sitting position. He rose again and stepped over to the sink, dropping the used douche into a wastebasket. "turn over, elbows and knees, My dear." He said. caitlin did as she was told, again confused. she waited only a few moments then her eyes flared wide in shock when something plastic and tube-like probed at the tight puckered ring of her bottom. she mewed as the slender rod entered her rectum and was held firmly in place. before she could ask any question warm liquid rushed into her. making her belly feel full in a whole new way. "Master..," caitlin pouted, "please Master." "shhhh," he calmed her, " hold on to it and stand up," gently rubbing her back as He pulled the nozzle from her. " it feels...funny, Master," caitlin whimpered," please Master, i'm full, please, can i let it go, Master?" " not yet. out of the tub." caitlin stepped out and was quickly blotted dry with a soft fuzzy towel . Her Master guided her to the toilet and sat her on it. " say it, caitlin." He prompted. "clean now. and promise never, ever get dirty again," she recited. " let it go...gently, sweetly." He instructed. "thank You Master." caitlin slowly relaxed, and the solution leaked slowly from her bowels, emptying. " all done Master...empty now...thank You Master," she said meekly. " good...lean over," He said. caitlin leaned forward and He wiped her clean with the washcloth and tossed it aside and dried her with the towel and tossed it aside as well. " come," He commanded. caitlin stood and followed Him to a vanity table and knelt on the stool He pointed at. lotion was smoothed up her hegs, across her senstive bottom then her hips. powder patted all over her was followed by spritzing of a girlishly scented perfume. a hair dryer and brush made quick work of her wet hair that was then pulled back and tied into a ponytail with a white ribbon.His skill carried into cosmetics as well she discovered as His skilled hand applied her make-up and polished her nails a soft pink. "sit" he said the reached over and pulled back a pair of ruffled white lace panties and slipped them up her legs gently snapping into place on her hips. another long grasp brought back a short white and very frilly dress that was then brought down over her head and settled on her shoulders and hips then buttoned, and the sash tied. from a drawer a pair of lace trimmed anklet socks were pulled gently onto her feet followed by a pair of shiny white mary-jane shoes from under the vanity were buckled on. taking His hand she stood and turned to look into the full-length mirror. the woman had been left behind to be replaced by a girl dressed in sunday finest. " look darling," He said softly with approval. smiling," thank you Master. can I go outside?" she said brightly. "for a little while," He replied with a smile. giggling she ran outside, the attractive woman, nomre. all that had remained was the adorable girl now skipping rope on the patio, chanting in a sing song voice about a doll with big buttons for eyes. the End

The ballerina
Weekend Getaway pt1
Weekend Getaway pt2

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