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First and foremost, I hope that all that read my guide take into account that I am a young and aspiring wizard, as I gain experience my guide and I will grow together. This guide by no means is perfect, however I have made it to 39th level, so I can't be to far off.....grins....


First the VERY Basics


Terms and What They Mean to You 

AS: character's Attack Strength(AS) or chance to hit a creature.

Advantage: commonly used to compare your weapons strength vs. a particular type of armor. As you experiment you will find certain weapons have a better chance of hitting vs. certain armors, thus it is like gaining "AS" for free. 

Deeds: without these after third level your character cannot be resurrected. Always stock up on them for that reason, and the older you get, the more they cost. Guess the gods think as you grow so should your outlay of silvers to deem yourself worthy of them recognizing your deeds within the lands. (look for more on this topic further down in the guide)

DS: character's Defensive Strength(DS) or what a foe has to roll to hit your character. Sorry size does matter:)

CS: character's Casting Strength(CS).

Fried: term given when your characters experience bar is red. Your character will no longer learns while hunting until your character takes some time to rest and allow the bar to return to pink or empty. Though while you get no experience I am under the understanding that your character will still gain fame for hunting.

HP's: character's Hit Points(HP's) or the amount of damage you can take before killed.

Mana: character's rare magical ability to cast spells and use certain.......abilities.

RT: character Round Time(RT) or the time between actions you must wait before performing another action. Examples of occurring RT are: attacking, casting spells, standing if weighted down, assessing a weapon.....

Spirit Points: character's essence or life force. Once it reaches zero you are dead and unlike a normal death in combat a spirit death will cost you 2 deeds and you will decay instantly.

TD: character's resistance to "CS" based spells. (elemental blast, blood burst, break limb.....


Stats and What They Represent

Constitution: adds into the physical training points. Also affects your character's maximum HP's and the total HP's your character can receive from training.

Dexterity: adds into physical training points. Bonus affects the wizards "AS" in regards to spell aim. Also can affect your character's ability to dodge certain Combat Maneuver(CM) attacks.

Discipline: adds into both the physical and mental training points. I was told it may also affect how much experience your character's head can hold before frying.

Logic: Adds into mental training points. This does affect your character's ability of how much experience they can hold and it affects how fast they absorb it.

Intelligence: adds into your mental training points. This also affects the character's absorbing of experience.

Strength: adds into physical training points. The bonus adds to your character's weapon "AS", how much your character can carry before suffering a "RT" penalty.

Reflex: adds into physical training points. The bonus affects your character's "DS". This can be very important if you plan to hunt higher than age normally allows.

Charisma: adds into mental training points. Also affects the ability of a bard's chance of getting results for loresinging.

Wisdom: adds into mental training points. Bonus affects a character's resistance to "CS" attacks and affects a rogues ability to pick and the amount of mana a cleric receives every level.

Aura: adds into both the physical and mental training points. Affects how much mana a wizard gets per level, and it affects the amount of Spirit Points a character begins with.


Heart of the Guide


Where and Why on Stat Placement

Now that you understand what each stat affects, where to place them. 

Below is how I recommend placing your stats.

Aura: 80+, Dis: 80+, Dex: 80+, Reflex: 75+, Str: 60+

Log: 50+, Int: 50+, Con: 45+, Wis: 40+, Chr: 40+

If you wish to be a warrior wizard, simply swap str and dex scores.

Placing stats in that order tends to maximize your training points and

hunting potential.


Training Points and What to Spend Them on


Armor Use: only train till you reach 4 ranks. Train starting at level 0 straight through till your character is 4th level. This is based off my belief that wizards are meant to wear only light levels, this is a Role-Playing choice, you may wish to train more.

Shield Use: train once every level for life starting at level 0.

Edged Weapon: train once every level for life starting at level 0, or which ever type of weapon you select.

Climbing: train up to 10-12 rank2 at least, and begin training once you are finished with armor at level 4. I have revised this as I felt the climbing may prove more valuable as I get older.

Swimming: train up to 4 ranks, begin it as well at 4th level if possible. training only every other level.

Perception: if you want to pop boxes, train at least once a level if not twice a level from level 0.

Spell Research: train twice a level, for life. 

Scroll Reading: this one is tricky, I trained to 102 and really never use it. Train if you have points you wish to burn up.

Magic Item Use: if you have the training points, train twice a level in this, as it effects how well your character can activate a wand when waving it. Also may affect other abilities later on, such as enchanting. 

Mana Sharing: once again this depends on the character, and if you are playing a wizard hoping to make millions on enchanting I have some sad news, you need to be around 40+ in levels before that will really become a reality. So my recommendation is train to 102 then stop, be at 102 by at least level 30. Remember though, the more mana sharing you have the easier it is to be sent mana. So if you plan to cast a lot while in the field, train once a level to ensure you get the most out of your senders. ALWAYS THANK SENDERS, remember they don't have to send.

Spelling Aiming: train twice a level starting at level  0.

Physical Training: train once every level, some prefer every other level, this can increase the amount of deaths you experience per level, the more HP's you have the more damage you can take.

Trading: train once a level if you have the points, it will GREATLY increase your savings at merchants, stores, and on how much you are offered for treasure by the pawn shops.

Combat Maneuvers: This something I am slowly starting to train in and would recommend training in ever other/third level if you have the points. At 39 I only have a few ranks, and honestly I am beginning to regret that. So try to train more in this than I have.


Spells and How I Recommend Training

The following recommendation is for a character that does NOT plan to begin enchanting at level 25.

Minor  Elemental: train in once per level till you reach 420.

Major Elemental: train every other level till you reach 511.

Wizard: train in every other level.

*Once you have reached 511, then train in wizard every level and minor every level until 425, 925 are learned.


While many have questioned this method of spell research, it does one thing guaranteed. It ensure you have all the major hunting spells, and massies to make sure you can spell up those that hunt with you. The only spell you will be lacking is 919, Wizard shield, yes the most powerful spell, but the sacrifice is worth it, as you will be able to spell up your fellow hunters with all the best spells that have the best durations. Only because of the duration and cost of 919 did I not worry about learning it until I was older. 


What to Hunt and How Old to be

Tyego's philosophy on this has always been, "That which cannot kill you, makes you grow stronger". A very simple ideal that if applied within the premise of hunting will ensure your character maximizes the results for gaining experience, though if you are a Fame Hunter I cannot help you, sorry. I hunt to defend the lands and learn, not for braggin rights.

You will also notice a shift to hunting from the landing to RR. I chose this for two reasons; people are great, and the hunting areas, and in that order.

Levels 0-7: live in rats and kobolds, they swarm.

Levels 8-10: lesser orcs and forest trolls, though mongrel hobs and shamans are nice to, and they swarm but there is always a risk of running into a thunder troll and/or a gas cloud.

Levels 11-13: Mants and Thrakks.

Levels 14-16: Hill trolls, though if you have a good reflex and a reliable hunting partner, try mercs and warriors, just mind the warfs(level 25 critter with ewave).

Levels 17-24: Mercs and Warriors, they swarm like no others.

Levels 25-30: Warfs.

Level 31-39: Spectral Warriors. They work fine, try to hunt in groups though or be up to Cone of Lightning, it will make hunting them much easier. Though unlike all my other hunting areas recommended, expect to die a couple of times. Thus hunting these at late hours are not recommended. Right know this is the best spot for a mid level wizard, though I would guess based off how hunted and abused the area is, like the corpses you will see a new critter introduced within a year or so.


Once again I feel strongly about how I hunted, it got me up through the levels quickly and safely. Though I do confess that most of my hunting is done at lower levels also due to my poor placement of stats. I learned from that mistake, and still hunt with Tyego even though she is the furthest thing from a "Super Character". It is about having fun and learning from mistakes, and passing on the knowledge of how to avoid them to others. If we all had "perfect" characters the game would be dull, it is our diversity that makes the world of Gemstone III so spectacular.


Lastly, Equipment Needs, When and What to Buy

Levels 0-2: Look for a drake weapon (Never pay for this, you can find them or just look around TSC there is bound to be one left there, just ask before you grab it), but a broad or long sword will do. Use the reinforced shield and full leather if you can. As for a container, just stick with the backpack if you can handle the added weight, if not get a greatcloak. Start buying deeds for your character, every chance you get.

Levels 3-4: Pick up a set of mithral, sword and shield. Shouldn't have to spend more than 12k for the set. By this time you should have at least 10 deeds, keep buying them, never stop, try to get at least 3-5 per level.

Levels 5-9: Pick up imflass weapon and shield, at least until breakage kicks in:) Also try to pick up a set of x2 full leathers. The imflass shouldn't cost more than 30k and the armor should be roughly the same.

Levels 10-14: Vultite weapon and shield, and x4 armor. Should be able to pick up the Vultite for 65k, and the armor for around 175k-200k. Also if you have some spare silvers, pick up a good container, one that holds around 40lbs+ or a good backpack that is light weight.

Level 15-20: Pick up a x5 weapon and shield, and x5 armor. Though with the coming of breakage you may decide to stick with Vultite as it will cost a lot less to replace should it shatter during a hunt.

Level 21-30: Try to have saved up enough to buy items that add to your characters role-playing. Things that are altered or scripted are really good examples, but can be very costly.

Level 30+: Gear is crucial, get yourself a item that can hold 100lbs and is very light weight, back or belt worn. As for a weapon, unless you are a warrior mage (which are suffering right now), stick with just a x5 or x4. With the coming of breakage I would recommend x6+ armor, not a shield as it will suffer far less chance of breakage if you are hunting within your abilities.


Final Word Before You go

Thanks for taking the time to read through my guide and I hope that it offered some incite to training.

Just remember that it is a game and meant to be fun, and when a "poacher" kills the creature you have be working hard to kill, just walk off and find another, there always is another. Its not worth the trouble or risk of making an enemy. In the lands one thing rings true, "what goes around, does come around".


Disclaimer: I must stress that all views in this guide are my opinion on training. As I get older my guide will grow with me. If you have any suggestions I welcome them. if you are writing me to tell me your age and that I am clueless, save your breath.  Otherwise feel free to EMAIL me. Though Celtic is exempt from the disclaimer as his opinions, though not always popular with me, tend to be right...giggle....thanks again for your help Celtic....