Interview for Dissertation

Hello "Fat traveler," Please let me share with you what a remarkable ability I think you have to put your life into engaging writing in your online journal. I've been reading your online diary for awhile (before I decided to focus on online journals as a dissertation topic) and I throuroughly enjoyed and appreciated reading about your travels. I envy the ease and honesty of your writing style. Good luck with your current job and deciding if you should go to graduate school. (Unsolicited advice from a grad student: I think that you, after so much travel and "life experience," might find graduate school the perfect place to be. Forgive me for giving unsolicited advice but please know that most graduate programs do give significant financial aid/fellowships so don't allow lack of money from keeping you from applying.) That said, please allow me to share with you my other reason for writing you.

My name is Simone Flynn and I am a graduate student in the Department of Anthropology at Yale University working on a dissertation about online journal keeping. Iım particularly interested in learning how communities form on the internet. I believe that online journal communities often reach a level of connection/support that is not found elsewhere on the internet. Would you be willing to share some of your experience of online journaling?

Thank you in advance for any information/experience you might be willing to share to help me understand the important practice of online journal keeping. Please know that your answers will be kept completely confidential and I welcome any questions you might have about my dissertation research. 1) Why did you start an online journal? 2) How has your online journal helped your weightloss/fitness efforts? 3) What journal related webrings or groups do you belong to? 4) Do you feel part of (or believe there to be) an online journal community? 5) If you do feel part of (or believe there to be) an online journal community, what makes you feel that way? How is the community created--through webrings, awards, discussion lists, guestbook responses, reading other journals, or something else? 6) What sorts of friendships/relationships have you developed through online journaling? 7) What is your relationship with your audience/readers? 8) Have you ever met any fellow journalers or readers in Real Life? 9) Do you keep your online journal private from your family, friends, or employers? Why or why not? 10) Whatıs the best part of online journaling? 11) Whatıs the worst part of online journaling? 12) What is the address of your online journal? Any information you are willing to share about your age, profession, education, and proficiency with computers would be very helpful. Again, thank you so very, very for helping me with my dissertation research.


Simone Flynn (Ph.D. Student)


1) Why did you start an online journal?

Um, It is hard to remember. You should read the first entry or two and see if I explain it there. But from what I remember I was thinking about starting my own web site, but didn't know what to do on it AND, being overweight I was looking up a lot of weight related stuff. I stumbled on the weight journal and realized that is what I wanted to do. It originally started off as a diet journal to help me keep track of losing weight, but the focus quickly shifted.

I think if you go back and read the first couple of days I have the link posted of the diet site that I found that got me started. Not only did she have her journal but the ANGELFIRE homepage. I clicked on the link and the rest is history.

2) How has your online journal helped your weightloss/fitness efforts?

Um... Not much really. But This last month I have been going though old handwritten teenage journals and typing them on the web. The act of doing this and reading those journals so closely, I am starting to get a little introspection on myself. I say the same stuff back then as I do now. ("I'm fat." "I pigged out last night.")

I am hoping this process brings about not only reflection, but change.

3) What journal related webrings or groups do you belong to?


4) Do you feel part of (or believe there to be) an online journal community?

5) If you do feel part of (or believe there to be) an online journal community, what makes you feel that way? How is the community created--through webrings, awards, discussion lists, guestbook responses, reading other journals, or something else?

I started "meeting" people by leaving a comment in their guest book and they would respond back. Now, most of the people are meet are reading my site and writing to me directly.

there are definitely relationships, although I am not sure about communities. I think you are asking the wrong person, because I am not "friendly". I don't respond to an e-mail unless there is a question of any kind. I don't keep up correspondence. Although many have tried with me.

Most of the ones I still write (all 2 of them) are travelling abroad or have and we talk about that. The rest fall to the way side. I guess I have so much work to do on my page I don't have the extra time for frivolous typing.

I know friendships are made. I was writing to marcia for a while:

I don't anymore, but I know not only does she write some of her readers, but she has met them and calls them on the phone for advice and support.

Others I correspond with have seen my postings on:
I link my site to every message I write and if people find my comments interesting, they stop on by. They also write me.

Many men try to keep in touch, but like I said, I'm just not into it. I'd rather be working on the site or watching TV (I'm not real friendly in real life either, although EVERYONE would disagree with me)

6) What sorts of friendships/relationships have you developed through online journaling?

The best relationship I have is with a women a couple years older than me who wrote me after reading my site. She has had so many of the same experiences. She gives me advice and job tips. i don't know what I give her. But she is the only one I faithfully reply to. And once when I knew she was teaching in the Middle East and I didn't hear from her in months, I sent her many e-mail inquiring about her health and worrying about her a little. She finally got back to me and I am glad she is OK.

7) What is your relationship with your audience/readers?

I write to amuse them and to tell the truth as I see it. I use as audience as motivation to not slack off on the journal.
I am more motivated when I think someone is reading. Every once in a while when I slack I will get an e-mail asking where I am and to please keep on typing. I can understand the feeling, because that is how I feel about Marcia's journal.

8) Have you ever met any fellow journalers or readers in Real Life?


9) Do you keep your online journal private from your family, friends, or employers? Why or why not?

I try to keep it private. My best friends and some ex-boyfriend's have the URL because I gave it to them back before I realized I would be getting so personal.

I do NOT want my family, friends or CoWorkers to read my page. They do NOT need to know that "My mom's a bitch" or "I masturbated last night".

I have no problem with strangers knowing, but I do not want to have to face them eye to eye.

I have actually lost a boyfriends and a friend because of this journal. Because of what they read. And I learned that the journal was more important then them. So now I vow to myself no new boyfriends will ever know I keep it (though how I will hide this is a mystery. It is a big part of my life, takes at least an hour daily and if we share a computer... well I can't erase my tracks).

10) Whatıs the best part of online journaling?

Keeps me motivated.

11) Whatıs the worst part of online journaling?

I worry people will steal my words and use them for their own profit. It takes time and scanning costs money. Also, when people that I know read stuff they shouldn't.

12) What is the address of your online journal?

Any information you are willing to share about your age, profession, ducation, and proficiency with computers would be very helpful.

28 year old female. BSc in Elementary Education. - Teacher in a prison.
Bfore starting my page I knew nothing. Now I know a little.
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