THAT Digimon Site

The Opinions on EVERYTHING Dejimon

Proud to be the most unnoticed controversial Digimon site on the Internet

THAT Digimon Site: Yamato Approved

Ucchan's Digimon FanArt

Miyako looks surprised to see you ^_^

Pool Party: Miyako and the gang take a break pool side. This is one of my favorite colored ones cause I did it on Adobe! My first Adobe-colored one... I need more practice.. but this is a start ^_^ more soon.

Kari's got the camera... but she's in the picture... hmm...?

Girls Photograph: The digi-girls pose for the camera, showing their friendship. This one's in colored pencil, hope ya like it! ^_^


Digimon SleepOver: Hehe, My first pic of the 02 kids, I like how it came out. TK and Davis pillow fight, while Cody ducks for cover. Kari uses Gato for a shield, Yolei's lost her glasses, and Ken tosses Upamon instead of a pillow. And if nothing else, its a pic of them in their Pjs. ^_^

DIE! SUCKER DIE! Mimi's got a large tommy gun!

Hat of Doom: REVENGE OF THE EVIL HAT PART TWO! Okay, so I JUST REALLY HATE Mimi's cowboy hat... it's just wrong... and I hate drawing it. This was my first Digimon pic ever... as you can tell. ::sweatdrops:: maybe someday I'll redraw it.. or maybe someone else will be inspired to do so...

Dance, Mimi, DANCE!

MimiDance: In contrast to my first picture, I've gotten a tad bit better at drawing Mimi-chan, ne? Here, Mimi dances in what appears to be a gypsy outfit. Inspired by "The Mimi Dance" animation.

Mishirou paint by numbers! ^_~

First Remeeting: Yeah, I know the title doesn't make sense, but it goes to a Mishirou fanfic in which Mimi and Kou meet eachother by coincidence in an art class, since I love Mishirou, this pic was a must for me ^_^ Anyhow, it's colored pencil and LOTS of computer editing, the scanner didn't work right, so I had to spend a lot of time editing the colors.... sigh...

Kou-kun looks nervous, ne?

Rainy Day: Yay, I love the rain! ^_^ Blame it on "I wish" I drew this pic while vacationing in the UK, it's always raining there, and I saw this couple holding hands under their umbrella, and I just HAD to draw it for my fave Digi-pairing! ^_^ The umbrella was VERY HARD TO DRAW... so I'm proud of it. B&W pencil unshaded/edited. I might get around to coloring it one day... I'm just so afraid of messing it up!

I love Sakura Petals!

Sakura Blossoms: Mishirou goodness under the cherry blossoms *sakura*. This one was kinda inspired by Angel's Up A Tree Yama/Tai pic... that and I like to draw Sakuras... B&W pencil Shaded/edited.

Another line from 'I Wish'

Shivering With The Cold: Here's one from "I Wish" the ending to the first season of Digimon, before Kari. I love the song, I especially love drawing scenes from the lyrics, the title is taken from the song, and I've got a lot of pics like this, this one is B&W pencil unshaded/unedited. I may get around to coloring this one sometime, too. ^_^


A Moment Where No One Else Exists: This is my crowning Mishiro/Koumi, Mimi and Kou share moment alone in the park, not inspired by anything, I came up with it all on my own and made sure all the little details were there and correct. Colored Pencil computer edited.


Bishoujo Senshi Dejimon: Mimi and Lillymon as Sailor Senshi! ::giggle:: I drew this one for Goma's costume party (which he never went through with...) oh well, I like how it turned out (my first computer-colored pic, I did it on Paint) anyway, if ya like BSSM, check it! Computer colored/edited.


Faith Remains Alone: POOR JOE! I felt so guilty about having drawn so many Mishirou pics on my trip to Europe, that I drew a pic of Joe, being sad and angsty. I'm not a Jyoumi fan, but I like Joe, so I gave him this pic. B&W Pencil Unshaded/PC edited.

*shimmer* Kari's angelic figure glows!

Light-Crest Wings: A somewhat older Kari shimmers and flies with her new-found Angel wings, in her hands, a spinning Crest of Light, how mysterious and Kari-like! This one was fun to draw! B&W Pencil Shaded/PC Edited.

Boy... this could be taken wrongly...

Tied Up In Bows: Sora and RIBBONS! Hehe! A fun pic I drew one day of 02 Sora with ribbons, it has no meaning or anything... B&W Pencil Unshaded/Unedited.

This SHOULD be taken wrongly... hehe!

Suggestive Sora: One of my older pics that I found more funny than anything else, and I decided to share with ya! Here, Sora shows her slutty side (alliteration!) j/k. Anyway, it's B&W Pencil Unshaded/Unedited.

SPROING! Kawaii 'roos!

Roo Taichi: Tai, Yama, and Kari go masquerading as Kangaroos, why? I dunno! It had something to do with a trampoline and pouches.. I forget. B&W Pencil Unshaded/Unedited.

Willis in the wind!

Digi_Willis.jpg: I'm not all that fond of this pic, but since its Willis, I went ahead and posted him... B&W pencil unshaded/unedited.

Guys! Weren't we here for CODY?

The Golf War!: Hehe... TK, Davis and Ken duke it out at the Miniature Golf establishment. Kari looks amused, and Miyako scolds them. Not colored yet! B&W Pen Unshaded/unedited.

Got Matt?

Got Matt?: Angel persuaded me to draw her a Yama pic, and this was what I came up with. I'm never gonna get around to coloring it, so if anyone wants to, go ahead! B&W Pencil Unshaded/Unedited.

Yama sings a song!

I Turn Around: Yama sings while music notes twirl and wisp! The title is from Yama's American theme song. Hey, its colored! yay! Colored Pencil Computer Edited.

More Kawaii Mishirou!

'Aishiteru, Mimichan': mimi snuggles a blushing Koushirou. ^_^ Aishiteru translates to 'I love you'. They're made for each other. Penciled.

The digi-destined in kindergarten!!!

Lil' Selected Kids: The young chosen children run amok in kindergarten!!! Sora fumes, Matt yawns, Tai guffaws, while Mimi and Izzy play with blocks in the background! Penciled.

Miya-chan should be a pimp. xD

Everybody Loves Miyako!: Davis, Cody, Ken, and Willis cling to Miyako. This is what happens when you have four girls and twelve boys. Penciled.

Pretty colors!

~*SUNSET*~: The wonderful sunset is paying homage to Gem2 Micky's wonderful artwork. It's colored! spiff! Computer Colored and Edited.

I wish!

Bromide of Mimi: The idea of bromides was taken from the Lunar series. 8 in all. I will do no more. Feel free to use them, but only if you give me credit. I worked REAAALLY hard on these. Part of the 5 year after 'series' - like the Epilogue was 20 years after, this is when they are all well into their teenage years. Penciled. Hope you enjoy them!


Bromide of Sora: The idea of bromides was taken from the Lunar series. 8 in all. I will do no more. Feel free to use them, but only if you give me credit. I worked REAAALLY hard on these. Part of the 5 year after 'series' - like the Epilogue was 20 years after, this is when they are all well into their teenage years. Penciled. Hope you enjoy them!

TK smirks  ^_^

Bromide of TK: The idea of bromides was taken from the Lunar series. 8 in all. I will do no more. Feel free to use them, but only if you give me credit. I worked REAAALLY hard on these. Part of the 5 year after 'series' - like the Epilogue was 20 years after, this is when they are all well into their teenage years. Penciled. Hope you enjoy them!

Kari the seductress...?

Bromide of Kari: The idea of bromides was taken from the Lunar series. 8 in all. I will do no more. Feel free to use them, but only if you give me credit. I worked REAAALLY hard on these. Part of the 5 year after 'series' - like the Epilogue was 20 years after, this is when they are all well into their teenage years. Penciled. Hope you enjoy them!

A tatoo!! i

Bromide of Yolei: The idea of bromides was taken from the Lunar series. 8 in all. I will do no more. Feel free to use them, but only if you give me credit. I worked REAAALLY hard on these. Part of the 5 year after 'series' - like the Epilogue was 20 years after, this is when they are all well into their teenage years. Penciled. Hope you enjoy them!

Did he actually USE the shovel to make the sand castle...?

Bromide of Cody: The idea of bromides was taken from the Lunar series. 8 in all. I will do no more. Feel free to use them, but only if you give me credit. I worked REAAALLY hard on these. Part of the 5 year after 'series' - like the Epilogue was 20 years after, this is when they are all well into their teenage years. Penciled. Hope you enjoy them!

For Ken-lovers EVERYWHERE...

Bromide of Ken: The idea of bromides was taken from the Lunar series. 8 in all. I will do no more. Feel free to use them, but only if you give me credit. I worked REAAALLY hard on these. Part of the 5 year after 'series' - like the Epilogue was 20 years after, this is when they are all well into their teenage years. Penciled. Hope you enjoy them!

Davis got buff!!

Bromide of Davis: The idea of bromides was taken from the Lunar series. 8 in all. I will do no more. Feel free to use them, but only if you give me credit. I worked REAAALLY hard on these. Part of the 5 year after 'series' - like the Epilogue was 20 years after, this is when they are all well into their teenage years. Penciled. Hope you enjoy them!

Together on a rainy day

Rainy Days: Mimi and Kou hold hands under an umbrella while rain pelts their surroundings. Kawaii-ness! Computer Colored and Edited.

Mimi in all her coolness :D

When The Rain Hits My Cheeks: Mimi tilts her head up to embrace the falling rain (not depicted). Very simple, but I like it! Computer Colored and Edited.

...they came over to 'study'... Yes, Kari IS reading the Kama Sutra, Miyako IS reading 'How to Marry Ken Ichijouji,' and Taichi IS reading a coloring book...

Study Session: Some of the digi-destined got together must admit that their tastes in books are quite interesting...~_^ Penciled.

My first collage art, YAY!

Digital MIX First Ed: This picture was the first of a new wave of pictures for me, drawn over the summer, it was my first picture of the school year, and I displayed it proudly on my binder's cover. Coincidentally, someone saw it and asked if they could buy it from me. From that point on, I sold all my stuff, and I took requests! I've sold a good deal of the work you see on this page, luckily I've got scans of everything! WAI!

I'm so proud of this one...!

Digital MIX Side2: Everybody is 02 except for Tai. Oh well! I put a lot of effort into this one, and it's one of my personal favs!! Penciled.

third in a trilogy...!

Digital MIX Side3: This is the last of my digi-collages, and this one completes the set, making sure each of the Chosen Children was in at least ONE of the collages... even Sora!! Penciled.

Mimi and Kou look soooo good in this one. I think it works best with the pencil-only medium here.

Secluded Bridge: Inspired by a musical, this is probably my best Mishirou in terms of strictly drawing. However, I was so afraid I'd mess it up, I never colored it. Oh well, they say the original is always the truest form of art, ne? Penciled.


COMIC: NOT THE HAT!: Now that I'm more skilled, you see another rendition of my hate for Mimi's hat. It's still ugly, and I decided to just whip out this all-pencil strip, feature the dreaded evil digimon: Hatamon! NO, NOT THE HAT!! Penciled.

They all smile for the camera!

Friends for a Moment: A group shot of the older kids from 02 sans Davis, 'cause you KNOW if he was there, the picture wouldn't be so peaceful... Haha!! Penciled.


COWS!: Tai, Mimi, and Kou have escaped from the gateway computer company! Nah, actually, this idea was inspired by a GW fanpic I saw, and I JUST HAD TO EMULATE IT! WHOO HOO! The cows are SOOO CUTE! WAIII!! Penciled.


GLOW Rainbow: YAY!! My FIRST CG-ed DIGI-pic! Hooray! Nowadays, I CG almost everything! But this one was one of the first! And it's my only digimon one besides Sunset that I'm proud of. I loved coloring the glowing orbs and such. Initially this was inked and colored penciled, but now it's Computer enhanced as well!

A new kind of picture...

COMIC: FDD, A Work in 'Progress': This is one of what will eventually be many FDD pictures. My friend Jen writes a comic about a bunch of Mary Sues... and it turned out GOOD! I actually enjoyed it! And you know how I feel about Mary Sues...! Anyway, this is a comic I sketched out pertaining to her work on the story. Heehee! CG-ed too if you like that!

This one ties in again with Jenn's story

FDD, Finding the Digivices: In Jenn's fic, each of the kids get their Digivices in a different manner, and I was inspired to portray this suddenly, so I did. All in pencils, though, Gomen! Penciled.

I'm so proud of this one...!

FDD, One Wish: Currently my best pic ever, though it's a lil' sloppy round the edges in my opinion. It's a collage of all the FDDs from Jenn's fic, done entirely in Pencils and CG. I'm SOOOO proud! The crests and characters are copyrighted to their respective owners, but I came up with most of the little 'enigmatic epiteths' that the characters bear. Computer colored and enhanced.

Well... that's all the good digimon stuff I have for now... when I scan in more, I'll post 'em!
BYE! BACK to About!