Chapter 20

(no pic yet...sorry)

..... Harry and Dumbledore had gone to find Ficus, and found their way barred by the sudden arrival of three officials the Ministry of Magic. One was the woman with the pet rat named Ophelia that Harry had seen before. She stood nodding in stern approval while a wizard in butter-yellow robes did his best to shake an official finger at Dumbledore. The Headmaster didn’t seem intimidated as far as Harry could tell.

..... “There are reports of battle magic-BATTLE MAGIC! Of ALL things!-being seen for MILES!” the wizard said, giving up on looking disapproving and waving his arms. “The whole Ministry has been scrambling to blame it all on swamp gas or vandals with fireworks! And that’s not even mentioning the werewolf sightings.”

..... Harry raised an eyebrow at that, wondering hopefully if Lupin was on his way as well. Dumbledore turned to him to speak, but was immediately interrupted by the other wizard in the group. This one wore gray robes that blended so well with the mane of gray hair and beard that he seemed a talking face in midair.

..... “Of course, no one is blaming you, Albus,” he said.

..... “Well, thank goodness,” Dumbledore said. He appeared unruffled, and turned back to Harry before they could pounce again. “I’ll excuse you now, Harry, “he said, and Harry nodded and trotted off before any of the officials could make a fuss. Nothing to do but find Ron and Hermione, he mused. Same as always.

..... He was heading up the stairs when something squeaked and sharp little talons dug into his head. Harry yelped and felt small wings beat against his scalp. Gritting his teeth, Harry tried to look upwards without moving his head. Pigwidgeon, Ron’s pint-size little owl, looked down at him cheerfully, a note gripped in his tiny beak. Knowing that any movement would just make the talons grip harder, Harry reached up very carefully and Pig hopped onto his hand. He gave his punctured head a rub before taking the letter and Pig flew off with a cheery little whistle.

..... It was a quick note, written by Ron. McGonagall on rampage. All confined to house until Raye is found. Avoid her unless you want to be penned in with us... Harry crumpled the note into his pocket and tried to think. A voice down the hall made him hurry on up the stairs. He decided to rejoin Sirius and Esme and went back to the secret passage his godfather had shown him. He remembered to be polite to the painting of Abigail of the Heatherdowns and she opened the trapdoor for him.

..... He had barely put a foot onto the roof when he heard voices. He saw Filch talking to something out of his line of sight, but that someone was casting a Madame Hooch-shaped shadow against the chimney. Filch was complaining about the damage to the shingles and weather vanes from the battle. Hooch was trying to assure him that he wouldn’t be doing the repairs himself, and in their noise, it was easy for Harry to slip back into the passage unnoticed.

..... “That was quick,” Ms. Abigail said.

..... “Thanks,” Harry panted and took off running again. They had said they’d go to Buckbeak’s stable if the roof got crowded, he remembered. Now I just have to get there without being caught!

..... No sooner had that crossed his mind than Hagrid stepped into the hall ahead of him. Harry slid to a halt and Hagrid motioned him to be quiet. The big man held a finger to his lips and then motioned Harry to follow him. He had a grin from ear to ear and was nearly skipping. They passed through a corridor and out a door that was nearly too small for Hagrid to squeeze through. Once outside, he turned to Harry.

..... “I’ve got something to show you,” he whispered. “Some special guests!”

..... “Oh no,” Harry said before he caught himself. Visions of scaly, fanged creatures being fed tea and scones on Hagrid’s best china flickered through his head. “Who are they?”

..... “Come and see!” Hagrid lead the way to his cottage and threw open the door, waving a hand for Harry to look inside. Trying to quell a feeling of dread, Harry leaned around him to see. On Hagrid’s hearth rug, flames casting warm shadows over their coats, were sprawled two wolves. One was jet black and the other a strange red. They fastened eerie eyes on him. Hagrid shooed him inside and stepped in after, shutting the door behind himself.

..... “Go on,” Hagrid said eagerly. “Show him.” The black wolf laid her ears back and looked disgusted. The red one stood up and shifted into Tanner’s ragged form. Harry blinked. Tanner’s mismatched eyes in a human face were creepy. Harry was glad of Hagrid’s presence as the shapechanger stepped closer to him and leaned to sniff at his forehead. Have even the werewolves heard about my scar? he thought. Tanner rocked back on his heels and sucked on one of his canine teeth.

..... “That’s trouble,” he said, tossing his hair to hide his blue eye. “You’d better stay clear of this mess.”

..... “How’s that?” Hagrid asked, stepping to put protective hands on Harry’s shoulders.

..... “Don’t worry,” Harry said. “This time, I’m not the one in danger.”

..... “Oh no.” sneered a female voice, and they turned to see that the black wolf was now Rosie. She curled her lip at Harry. “There’s bigger game than you to drag down. You!” she turned to Tanner. “It’s time to go.” Her ruthless eyes fell on Hagrid. “And you. You were kind to us-”

..... “Very!” chimed in Tanner.

..... “So I will give you this warning,” continued Rosie. “Bring your creatures in. They won’t survive the storm if it breaks here.” She gave Harry another disdainful glance, then dropped forward onto her hands, shifting in mid-movement. She was a wolf again as soon as her front paws hit the floor. Tanner did the same. Hagrid opened the door for them and they loped off to disappear into the Forest.

..... “What was that about?” Harry asked. Hagrid’s face was troubled. He motioned for Harry to come out again and this time took his crossbow from behind the door.

..... “You’d better be getting back inside now, Harry,” he said. “Creatures like them are stingy with their advice so when they give it, it’s best to listen!”

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